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Solving and Preventing "Animation Lockup"?


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What "animation lockup" mean is where the player is in the middle of an animation such as drawing a bow and a hostile creature or npc knocks the player, stun locking the player as usual but at the end of the staggering the player cannot perform actions like attacking with a sword, bow, a and using magic.


I run into this problem frequently where I get staggered while in the middle of an animation and then I literally can't do anything but move around, unable to use the bow, magic, etc.


Is there any mod or console fixes that can prevent or solve animation lockup without exiting the game and replaying a load?

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Following this thread. I'm running into a similar problem where my character gets stuck in the infamous "T-Pose" when I change what I'm doing. I'm using an animation replacer that switches the standard one-handed walking/running/sprinting/idle animations with something a little more on the badass side (le paron mein French). It's severely aggravating...and I really can't be bothered to try learning how to use FNIS, it confuses me.

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Following this thread. I'm running into a similar problem where my character gets stuck in the infamous "T-Pose" when I change what I'm doing. I'm using an animation replacer that switches the standard one-handed walking/running/sprinting/idle animations with something a little more on the badass side (le paron mein French). It's severely aggravating...and I really can't be bothered to try learning how to use FNIS, it confuses me.


FNIS is kinda easy to use. If you have installed it with NMM you have to go into your Steam folder, into steam apps, then common, find skyrim folder, go into your data folder, find the Tools folder, go into GenerateFNIS_for_users (Folder), click on GenerateFNIS _for_users(application), and click update FNIS Behavior, wait for it to finish updating and you should be good to go.

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