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The Rexin' Texin' Thexin


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It is nice to meet all of you fellow Dragonborns, Lone Wanderers, Couriers, Wardens, Champions, and Furtive Pygmys!


I named myself Thexin, why, you may ask? Well, it sounds cool, a hybrid of toxin, hex, and texture. I am a 17 year old dude.

Names are a total bore to most people I like to think, so what shall be my intricate story be of today?

Well, a year ago, I upgraded my PC's GPU. I am currently stuck on an AMD HD 7850, an i7 920 OC'd @ 4.0GHz, and a random 1 TB HDD. Currently, it's not holding up too well in Skyrim after installing >200 mods and around 4 HD texture mods + ENB. One of the reasons I came to the Nexus Forums was to seek aid for my Skyrim game because as of right now, it's totally unstable XD

I also have Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: 2, and Dark Souls. I do not create mods because I suck at that.

Someday, I will create my very own Youtube Let's Play channel, it's been a goal of mine for a long time. I also write stories and play Killing Floor when I get bored! I am terrible at drawing and I love potatoes.

I hope everyone has courtesy and is nice to me. If you aren't, well, you are quite the fool to insult the mighty Thexin!


EDIT: Here's a list of my Skyrim mods... http://pastebin.com/eUHRDvih

Edited by Thexin
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G'day. We've previously had several traditions for welcoming people here on the Nexus, for a while we used to give them a tin of SPAM, then for a while The Calliton would bite them, buuut since neither the SPAM givers nor Calliton is here right now, my copy of Skyrim is also being a brat, and I'm off work for the forseeable future, welcome to our ever so slightly dysfunctional little Nexus family.

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Having read your load order I think the culprit for poor performance is easy to spot...the HD DLC Texture packs. Nexus has better more specific ones than Bethsada's. Pick what you really want instead of shotgunning everything. Even with a high end rig (which I have also) some discretion is still advisable.

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