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Build/Choose your own party


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I've had this real interesting idea: At the start of the game, before it even shows you the wagons moving towards Helgen, you get to generate your character, as well as two or three others. These characters would occupy the player's wagon, changing the starting conversation to feature player-made VA's talking.

For each race and gender there would be an individual voice, something that preferably sounds like the official Voice Actors, and they could talk about how they got caught trying to cross the border. Maybe during some pauses the other wagon, with the horse thief, Ulfric, Ralof, and an unnamed generic stormcloak.

Throughout the wagon traveling scene, the first generated character would be the one in control, as would be the case during the dragon scene, but they all will make it to the keep by the time you get there. At this point, a message box could ask who you actually want to play as as you venture through the keep, and the others would be released from their bindings first. As NPCs during this sequence, they would become essentials, much like the soldier you're joined with, and follow you/him the same.

Joining the Imperial soldier would result in the comrades searching the 'empty' chests and looting goods from them, while joining the Stormcloak would maybe have a couple of imperial corpses (the stormcloak must have died fighting, right?) that they would loot.

Once you reach Riverwood, you could have your former companions join you in travel (I'd like a UFO or AFT optional patch to allow all of them to tag along with you), and any that aren't a part of your group will start to travel around Skyrim of their own accord. Talking to these partners would allow you the option of switching to them--along with all their progress.

Although clearing a dungeon with one character would mean it cleared for the others, dragon walls and such would still work for any character that has not yet learned the shout--perhaps some other alternative method could be used for the ambush that awaits them when they reach it. Obviously the wuuthrad quest can't just be reset, nor the silverhand headquarters, so after the first person becomes a werewolf, whatever means used for the others, their change would not be considered as dramatic by Aela, and they could come to near the town.

The purpose of this would be to give a feel to kinsship from the getgo, additional dragonborns, and the ability to swap classes by changing characters.

Other than compatibility with UFO or AFT, I'd enjoy seeing compatibility with Alternat Start and Random Alternate Start, too. Especially with RAS, it seems silly to be wandering all alone in such a dangerous country.


I'm aware there's already a topic for multiple characters but I figured this idea was fleshed out enough and just different enough to warrant its own thread.

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