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Fallout 4 (suggestions to Bethesda)


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@admins: Please do remove if not allowed, I checked the rules but did not see anything that would make this illigal (unless i missed something. In that case, sorry for that. No harm meant in any form or way.


As many of you are aware, Fallout 4 is rumored to come in the next year or so. But what about the rumors about it's details? Well, for some odd reason, I seem to have spoken to a employee of Bethesda since I keep hearing my own ideas. I had a long talk to someone who claimed to be working for Bethesda. She actually had some sad story about someone dying in the Netherlands (her sister) and there for she had to fly there. Oddly enough she also claimed to had some feelings to some degree towards me... So did not really think about her until recently with the rumors about Fallout 4.

So what have I been talking about with her? Ill tell the tale and see where it goes, it may give some light up on the upcoming game, Fallout 4. Again, I said it MAY!

Ok, the first I seen of this 'Bethesda employee', was during a chat session on http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/ chat. Some troll was getting at this person and I just stepped in. Behave or leave basically. So we started to talk over private chat, about Fallout, it's pro's, con's, etc. Also about what would be nice to have, nice DLC's to have or what mods we would love to make. This is pretty much how we got started on the whole thing. Do mind, this was about 6 months to a year after the Fallout: New Vegas disaster. So this all pre-dates the rumors by far!

Since this person was saying it was a woman, ill call her by just that. Even though she did not give me a reason to think she is a woman (besides some odd photo's stating she would be some singer from some band or something). I will NOT post names or photo's of this person, even I do have this!

Ok here we go; She asked me what I would love to do with Fallout if I had the tools. I replied that I would love to see Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas to be merged in to one o to speak. Do need both installed, but you should be able to travel from one game to the other by vertibird. This with a few stops in between of course since it's a long trip. This allowes the player to look around, scavage and kill a few things around there. But this also gives quests, like protect the vertibirds and getting fuel for the vertibirds. But thats only half the story, since I initially discussed 2 stops, perhaps if enough time 3 stops. But these stops should give a little more to the player then just stretching the legs and trow around some bullits, smashing in skulls. There should be a militairy bunker that you can break into, cracking it's systems, killing the crio-frozen leaders (or just revive them as option) and then being either the leader of the bunker or having the aid of them in that area. Since there is more to my story around this, it might be the best thing to just kill the leaders so you have full controll of the entire bunker.

The bunker, when fully under your control, can be styled to your needs. Meaning adding for example 1 specialty to your bunker, choosing the color of the armors, what guns to wear, making patrols, etc etc. Really the whole tactical command structure you have in a RPG plus a lot extra. This meaning you can do a lot more then that you will ever will with Fo3 and FoNV combined!

The specialties of a bunker specify what you can do better then others. This could be providing more or better food, having a G.E.C.K. or go for some militairy upgrades.

Small suggestion list for specialties: - G.E.C.K. unit (always clear, pure water, civilian specialty) - Ammo Factory (always having a steady flow of ammo, militairy specialty) - Scout Vehicle Factory (having scout vehicles such as motor cycles, militairy specialty) - Tank Factory (having a tank factory, produces US tanks, militairy specialty) - Spy Center (stealth units etc., militairy specialty) - Farm (multiple farm options, gives more food, civilian specialty) - Science Laboratory (gives lab for advanced upgrades from civilian tech and militairy tech, civilian specialty) - Casino (gives a steady flow of caps if you keep your bunker open to the public, civilian specialty) - Vertibird Hangar (gives a vertibird hangar, allowing you to call in airstrikes, additional troops, etc. militairy specialty)

There are a lot more things I mentioned, but you get the idea i'm sure.

For the re-coloring of armors, vehicles, etc. You should be able to have a window where you can select any 'asset' you have. This could be within your inventory, the bunker or any technology you have not yet used so far. Even to something like clothes and jumpsuits. All could be changed into detail of your likings. Customized colors or something from a mod that the player installed.

Now for the vertibirds, patrols etc. As I mentioned, I was talking to her about things in detail. Also about the patrols for example. The patrols should be walking a patrol route of the players choice, the player should have full control over this. Patrols should even at night take a rest, setup camp and stay there during the night. This is a part of my adhanced A.I. idea that I mentioned to her. Since you can not see at night, why should a NPC see more? More A.I. updates should ofcourse be in strategic moves. Currently in Fallout 3 and New Vegas you see them charging at you like a mad bull. But in my suggestions to her, I told her that this could not be realistic. It should be that they will hide behind rocks, walls, while under fire. In the dark they should setup camp as I mentioned earlier. And of course they should be smart enough to occupy buildings to get some shelter for the night when possible. (More about occupying part later). Which obviously would enhance the gaming experience in a huge way. This also counts for the followers of course, they need to be a hell lot smarter not to stand infront of you while in combat, but scatter behind cover. Actually do things while you are talking to another NPC instead of standing around like they are braindeath.

Both the patrols and followers should have also more options, occupy buldings, make a camp, etc. Of course a follower won't place a tent or towers, but a campfire with some portable beds for example. Which gets cleaned up automatically by your follower (or by command by the player) The patrols however should be possible to do a bit more then that. Scout for usable things, buildings etc. In case of buildings they should be making photo's and take those back to you. After which you can deside what to do with that information. You can either keep it open as option, close the option (can always re-open the option later), or just make plans how to occupy the building. Of course not all buildings are empty, meaning you will need to make plans how to clear it out before you can actually start on the occupy part. Occupying means making a outpost, and there for leaving things inworld more permanently. Yet it could be abandonned or torn down on command. Sandbags, placement of turrets, better doors, 'building armor' (adding scrap to fortify the buildings structure), placement of towers, etc. It should be made possible. This way you can for example claim Vault Tec HQ in Fallout 3 as one of your outposts. Kick the gary's out and take the vault as your own, etc. Or taking down the super mutants in Fallout New Vegas and taking their Jacob's Town. Just some strategically placed buildings make sure you can conquer the wasteland more easily. Making it possible to do even more then just do some quests and run around aimlessly.

Another idea was to add the vertibirds as I mentioned, to do more then carry Enclave and other NPC parties. I suggested that it would be a epic idea to have Vertibirds swooping in, dropping off cargo, troops, ammo, etc. Or just swoop in as gunship for a specific time period (does need fuel idea). Or having another kind of aircraft unit that could do just that or even more. I even suggested to make the jets that are in Fallout 3 npc driven and fly around where you want them to be (flight deck of Rivet City mainly). Making it even more dangerous in the Fallout world.

Another quick idea I shortly mentioned, was using the cars around as fix-em-ups. Of course you will need the proper training leading to a perk or more perks. This allowing you to repair parts, scavage parts you can find all over the wasteland, put your car together as you wish, armor it, add weapons and you got yourself a nice vehicle! A vehicle your followers even can get in to and fire from the gun mounts that you crafted/created on it. This could count for ALL cars, busses, trucks, etc you can find in the wasteland. They are however limited to the space they are in. You build one in Megaton, then it can NOT move trough it's doors to the wasteland. Saver for sure, yet not the smartest move. Same goes for any other place, specifically narrow hallways, caves, etc.

I was saying also about introducing a fortress vehicle type. Can only make one single vehicle, this mostly not to overpower the engine but also to keep people from cheating too much. These fortress vehicle type things should be a little smaller then the Broken Steel tracked vehicle you get to blow up, used by the Enclave. But there should be several different things, each having their own special ability. A super tank that can use it's guns as artillery, a flying fortress that is pretty much a gunship, etc. It should however take some time to create something like that and of course when it gets shot up to much, its just a huge scrapheap. Making the player redo all the building work again or making something new.

A feature that should be added to the 'occupy' section, is that the player should be able to create their own city/fort. Meaning getting parts from all over the wasteland and create a city after your own design. Of course you should take care of defenses since raiders love to do their thing, slaughtering your people. Enclave, wildlife etc, they all can try to overrun your newly made city. So it's vital to create your defenses and start from the beginning. Making a city can include actual excisting buildings, but the player can also start from scratch.

In some ways Bethesda already imported some of these ideas in Skyrim, so this woman I was talking to could have been the real deal... or at least on that part. Making it more valid to think about my suggestions to be added in some form to Fallout 4 and it's DLC's

For the Boston/the instintude part, well... that could be my suggestion as well. I had made a mod, was also placed on the link given earlier. It was a attempt to give a new world connected to 2 bunkers and underground passages or caves. I was already finished with the bunker which was located in the North-East of the Capitol Wasteland (Fallout 3) with a door that suggested a sewer system already connected. Eventually these sewers should connect to a subway system which on turn takes the player to a new wasteland area. This new wasteland would have been leading to the Instintude. Yet I never got far enough and the project got cancelled. I tried to restart the project, but got again cancelled thanks due to a HDD breakdown loosing ALL progress on this mod. I currently only have the previously released version left, but it will NOT come back online anymore. I got new plans and those do not involve this bunker.

Feel free to discuss, I did leave things out since I did not find them relevant or more a privacy matter.

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Thats sad for her.....i live in the Netherlands and i spoke to 2 Bethesda on Little Big Planet and one of those guys got in trouble for speaking about Skyrim DLC (he almost got fired) a few months ago so it might be better to drop that case....also for Fallout 4 I want atleast more movable things like trains, traincart doors.......more type of ghouls and atleast it needs to be in a city (a big one like D.C.) or atleast a big map and lots of enemies or else we end up with a small NV kind of map......BoS needs to return, metro needs to return and big buildings.......chicago might be the best city and we need all the stuff from FWE and PN like sprint and helmet visors.....also the flashlight mod....they should learn from the mods

Edited by Fidller
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bout a year ago a month or two after skyrim Dropped i actually emailed Bethesda Softworks with a few sugestions i think would be cool. i basicly asked for a setup similar to DC in the fact that it was an actual LARGE city in ruins with many passegways strewn throughout the rubble, but i also asked for some actual wilderness like a forrested area. i also asked for a faction and weapon setup like Fallout NV but the real Heavy Hitters of FO3 (Enclave and Brotherhood to be honest i found legion and NCR to be a bad joke both very under powered.i had more challenge facing the brotherhood with their reduced numbers in their bunker than i had with either wiping out legion and NCR put together) but anyways I also asked for Bows and Cross bows. i love archery i have a 80lbs compound bow i use every day. but i sugested having craftable simple bows and arrows out of animals and such. and pre war Compound and recurve bows for more damage. as for actuall location from what i understood of fallout worlds Pre war politics Canada was annexed into the USA so since in fallout lore is tecnicly considered America i sugested a canadian setting which goes back the previous statment about More citys and forests. but thats what i sent them. i never got a response so IDK if they even read it. but now that im actually on PC now and starting to create mods i think they should atleast streamline geck for newer users while not reducing And prefrably increasing to abillity to make more detailed in depth mods. and for the love of god UPDATE THE GECK TUTORIALS FOR THE NEW SYSTEM.

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