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Computer build for Ultra with ENB?


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Tesshin20 what texture packs would you recommend running Skyrim with if I want to run it with ENB?


And thanks everyone for your replies. :smile:


I personally wouldnt suggest anything thats over 2k texures. There is alot of ULTRA texture packs with 4k-6k. But you wont see any difference unless you stand right into the walls/stones anyway.


2k is good enough. I might seem like a huge downgrade when you see a download option of 6k next to it. But remember standard textures is like 512.


Try with 2k, and if you have problems and CTD in huge open areas with 150 mobs and struggle with memory then go down to 1k on the landscape textures and work from there.

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I wouldn't recommend Nvidia at the moment. Not until they sort out their driver issues. The last updates have been horrible. And the newest cards only run with the latest drivers, so you would have to 'hack' an older stable driver to get it to work with your fancy new card. I installed the latest driver the other day and instantly experienced terrible performance. I couldn't even use my web browser anymore without everything freezing periodically. I thought I screwed up somewhere or maybe my system was failing but then I checked the GeForce forums and everyone was complaining about problems with the new drivers. People were pissed actually. Luckily I still had the previous driver backed up and going back to it fixed all my problems. But I'm sure someone is going to come in and go "Well I just installed the experimental BETA and everything runs fine". Well maybe but the majority of people are having problems.


that's bull... the newest drivers are far better with the newer games... they just perform terrible with older games like Skyrim, mainly with d3d9.dll files. DirectX9 is old, support will become less and less of a priority.


Compared drivers 314.22 and 320.18 not too long ago in metro LL and I got 7% improvement in FPS, that is quite a bit.


It's not bull. Just because it's working for you does not mean it's that way for everyone else. I'm speaking from personal experience and from checking the GeForce forums. User feedback for the 320.49 BETA and 326.19 BETA drivers has been very negative. I never experienced any problems when updating my drivers until these last few.

Edited by thenobody0
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If you're looking for a PC that will run Skyrim with mods and Unreal Cinema ENB then something similar to my setup works just fine with some fine tuning and optimization (I actually have my setup listed on the file page).


Intel i5 3570k @4.2ghz

8gb Corsair Vengeance RAM @ 1600mhz

MSI Twin Frozr III R7950 @ 1ghz

Asus Sabertooth Motherboard


I'm pretty sure with some of the sweet deals around the internet you can get all that for a lot less than $1000. On top of that you don't need an Asus Sabertooth (I got that because I have the SLI/CFX as an option), or even the brand of RAM I use, cutting cost even more.


With ENB you don't need to run Skyrim at Ultra. The only main reason to run Ultra is for shadows, which ENB has it's own solution for. Therefore you can get away with running at High (or even Medium) and just increasing rendering distance for Foliage and Trees.


Running at Ultra settings, with shadows handled by ENB, with many mods at 2k (some 4k) resolution, increased tree and foliage distance, and increased rendered particle effects, rendered at 2560 x 1440 resolution I run the game at an average of 30 FPS outdoors. At 1920x1080 I average 50 FPS outdoors.


You don't need a beastly PC. You just need to know how to optimize Skyrim fully to accomplish what you want out of it. Too many people try to tank Skyrim up with dozens of 4k resolution texture mods, Ultra settings, and then throw a high end ENB profile on top, and then they wonder why performance takes a hit.




AMD in general has issues with ENB


I run ENB just fine on my AMD 7950 GPU. My old rig (AMD 965BE @4ghz and HD6870) ran ENB just fine also. Having been authoring ENB profiles for the best part of the games release, I can safely say there's never been a better time to run an ENB on AMD. The experience on newer binaries is pretty smooth compared to really old versions.

Edited by UnrealWarfare
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If you're looking for a PC that will run Skyrim with mods and Unreal Cinema ENB then something similar to my setup works just fine with some fine tuning and optimization (I actually have my setup listed on the file page).


Intel i5 3570k @4.2ghz

8gb Corsair Vengeance RAM @ 1600mhz

MSI Twin Frozr III R7950 @ 1ghz

Asus Sabertooth Motherboard


I'm pretty sure with some of the sweet deals around the internet you can get all that for a lot less than $1000. On top of that you don't need an Asus Sabertooth (I got that because I have the SLI/CFX as an option), or even the brand of RAM I use, cutting cost even more.


With ENB you don't need to run Skyrim at Ultra. The only main reason to run Ultra is for shadows, which ENB has it's own solution for. Therefore you can get away with running at High (or even Medium) and just increasing rendering distance for Foliage and Trees.


Running at Ultra settings, with shadows handled by ENB, with many mods at 2k (some 4k) resolution, increased tree and foliage distance, and increased rendered particle effects, rendered at 2560 x 1440 resolution I run the game at an average of 30 FPS outdoors. At 1920x1080 I average 50 FPS outdoors.


You don't need a beastly PC. You just need to know how to optimize Skyrim fully to accomplish what you want out of it. Too many people try to tank Skyrim up with dozens of 4k resolution texture mods, Ultra settings, and then throw a high end ENB profile on top, and then they wonder why performance takes a hit.




AMD in general has issues with ENB


I run ENB just fine on my AMD 7950 GPU. My old rig (AMD 965BE @4ghz and HD6870) ran ENB just fine also. Having been authoring ENB profiles for the best part of the games release, I can safely say there's never been a better time to run an ENB on AMD. The experience on newer binaries is pretty smooth compared to really old versions.

What's your 7950 OC?

Edited by myztikrice
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NVidia gtx7xx series is not compatible with ENB due to drivers, which NVidia has not sorted out yet.

AMD in general has issues with ENB


You don't need a beast CPU for gaming.... Core i5 is fast enough, almost any model (my 2nd gen i5 2500K runs on 15% tops with Skyrim...............)

You don't need over 3GB of VRAM for Skyrim but I do suggest you get a 3 or 4GB model because of other games and soon to be released games.

You can probably grab a GTX670 or 680 real cheap now, and the GTX680 has the exact same chip as the GTX770.

No matter what you do, get a 64bit OS, preferably Win7 and 8GB RAM with decent speed (1600 Mhz+)

I have a gtx 780 and i5 3570k and whenever I spawn 100+ npc my FPS goes down to like 10 in battles. So he will need a better CPU then mine (unless maybe skyrim a engine can't handle that many npc?)

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My OC on my 7950 is Core: 1000, Memory: 1250. You can normally get around 1100 Core, some can get 1200 Core but it's a bit of a lottery at that speed. They overclock well though.


As for spawning 100 NPCs and getting 10 FPS with a i5 3570k, I don't care what CPU you have, if you spawn 100 NPC's the game is going to suffer, if not crash. Without doing such ridiculous things and expecting miracles from an engine as bad as Skyrims the i5 3570k is more than enough, especially with a decent overclock.

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