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Unexpected game crashes


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Recently(last week/week and a half)Skyrim has been at times crashing unpredictably. Prior to crash my computer as a whole is running smoothly with no loading or sound glitching, and the game itself experiences no framerate loss. When Skyrim is in main window running my graphics card(Nvidia gts 450, 1024 vram) is running at 78c - 84c.


My primary suspects for the crashing are dual monitor use through same graphics card, and texture/mesh mod improvements. Could either of these be the culprit, or is it something else not directly related?

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Either of those could be the culprit.

There are other possibilities as well, however.


With a low level of VRAM and a lower-powered graphics card, it may also be that you are running too many mods that add spawns, or need to turn down your graphics settings.

If you made any changes to your ini files to increase LOD, ugrids, or the like, you might also consider pulling back a bit.

But using two monitors will be a lode on your card, so that might be the first thing to remove.

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