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Option "Data files" not working...


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Hi! (forgive my english, I'm still learning)

No matter what I do, the option "data files" on my launcher never became available. I've already tried all those options:


Added on SkyrimPrefs.ini the line:




And tried by using those ones too:



My operational system is the windows 8 64 bit, this change something?

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Have you logged onto Steam and launched the game from the default steam launcher? You need to do that once.

Also, make sure you are adding those lines to the correct .ini files, the ones in MyDocuments>Mygames>Skyrim, not the ones in the Program files folder.

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Never? Just log into steam, then click on Skyrim in your Steam game library. Make sure you are playing with steam online. Let Skyrim start, then save the game and close.

After that you can put Steam in offline mode, but you can only play when connected to steam (offline or online mode), even when you use NMM or skse to launch.

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