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CTD on cell load


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Hi, I just got the ultimate edition of FalloutNV and loaded a few mods onto my game.

Now whenever I load a cell (guaranteed and only tested in goodsprings) I get a CTD.


mod list: imgur.com/gvFdMGt


My computer runs Windows 8 and can run Skyrim at about 60 fps on medium graphics

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It's good you don't have a lot of mods active currently....but I'd try disabling all your mods, then start activating them again one by one...Once you get to Goodsprings again and have the CTD you will know which one is the culprit.


It sucks not having an 'easy fix'...but even though that's time consuming, it does help to do things like that.


And if you haven't already, check your load order with BOSS.

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