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Fallout New Vegas Alchemy Skill:


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So, if you've ever played The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, you know that there is a skill called Alchemy in which you find various ingredients and make potions and whatnot with them... Well, I know that Fallout New Vegas has the Survival skill, but it's just not cutting it for me. It seems there is so much more that they could've done with the Survival skill, but they didn't. How cool would it be if we were to create a new skill called, "Alchemy", script it, and put it into Fallout New Vegas.

Believe me, I know how difficult it is to do such a thing, and scripting is very hard. That's why I would need someone to help me with this. I would love it if we were able to have this new skill and be able to gather our own ingredients and name our own potions, food, drinks, and whatnot. Does anyone think they have the skill to make something like this? If so, please reply to my post or message me.

Also, if I didn't put in enough detail, please let me know and I'll try to fill in whatever you need to know.

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Just want to point out you can already make stimpaks, super stimpaks, doctor bags, poisons, various drugs, bitter drinks, etc. by gathering the needed items, like forceps, surgical tubing, and what not. What more do you want to create?



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I just think that it would be a lot cooler if you were able to find ingredients throughout the Mojave Wasteland and use whichever ones that YOU want so that you may make your own drinks or food and name them. Again, it was just a thought...

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