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Something keeps messing with my load order. Please help.


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So I know alot of people use BOSS to fix their load order. But I wanna do it all myself.


Therefore I decided to sit down and make a list of "groups" if you will of mods and in what order I wanted to have them load.


So I came with this load order because I felt it made sense:


This was my order.


ESM-Files (Obviously)


Huge Texture Packs (DLC, Apachii etc)

Huge Overhauls (Interesting NPC, Frostfall etc, Falskaar etc)

Landscape changes (Flora Overhaul, better cave textures etc)

Minor Texture Packs (Face, Body, Gems, Bird mods, Animal improvements. Retexture of objects)

Mesh Mods (Objects)

Armor packs (Immersive Armor etc)

Induvidual armor sets


(Now everything that changes textures and added new objects was done, now over to game mechincs)


Combat Overhauls (Deadly Dragons, Duel-mod Enhanced AI. Spell Overhauls, etc)


Minor script overhauls (Dance of Death etc. Arrow mods. etc)

Sound and music mods (Sounds of Skyrim, Fixing my own music etc)


Then I finished of with smaller script mods like "Arrows shoot faster" etc and mods of that type and then I fisnished with UI mods like SKYUI



Now I put in some effort end 30 minutes and played with it for some time. But the next day (today) and I loaded up NMM then the entire list was rearranged. Nothing drastically. But the way BOSS would do it. Now I dont have BOSS anymore on my computer (removed it). I do have Wrye Bash but havent used the program for 3 days.


Is it a way to keep my load order fixed???

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NMM, Wrye Bash and I think steam use the same boss txt file for loader I believe.


The only way to change that as I understand it (and I don't know if thats been changed) is to change

the file date in mods

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