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Everything posted by KiwiHawkNZ

  1. Kia ora Miutumblr I think you'll find the powers that be coming down on anything like that we are not even allowed to use assets from othe Beth games in mods for game they did not come from. I'd be saying not allowed
  2. Kai ora I have an old mod I got way way back off Oblivion Realistate https://www.dropbox.com/s/xbpmlwevkr9zleu/Lands%20End.tga?dl=0 <- jus a images of the map https://www.dropbox.com/s/2uuzsgv7ch6e64j/Screenshot%202017-08-01%2015.40.59.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/b76zb5gy5uohotf/Screenshot%202017-08-02%2007.09.00.png?dl=0 Ionly have sadly the default bottom left corner of the map to run on as the map has be made over three of the four quads in the height-map editor, I can't remember how to change quads in the height-map editor to refesh and save the unseen parts, can somebody plase help by refreshing an ole memory with the keys to change quads in the height-map editor, I'm stuck in the bottom left section and need to be able to get to the top left and the bottom right sections. Thanks in advance
  3. Kia ora As I understand it you make your items for Skyrim and then use the new conversion tools to make it ready for SE This guy has a few videos on conversion that might help https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6OSzMSXlC1b9Y9a_xmSuksdxMApqoGGe you will need the Nif optimizer and a couple of other tools he speaks of and your good to go. the NIF files are the same but handle Spec differently I think and the oprimizer fix's those things, sorry got a memory like a vegie strainer lol
  4. Kia ora google dug up this dose that help http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5622/?
  5. Kia ora Has Beth broken this I have my ini edits done but I now can't load the DLC's, I could before the last patch tho Edit: Made a CreationKitCustom.ini [General] bAllowMultipleMasterFiles=1 But still will not load more than one master I just don't get it and yes I took the edit's out of the default, in fact deleted it and got CK make a new one
  6. Kia ora Not sure if this would do ya http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33770/?
  7. Kia ora I have been using the Epic Elf Race in the 32bit skyrim and I managed to edit the ears (sorry don't like World of Warcraft ears sticking out like wing flaps) I did manage to do the dishonorable thing (as a novice Modeler) and pull the ears a little on a high-rez head resource and that worked when the 64Bit Special Edition came out I moved over to that BUT now I get a weird pink-ish face out side in the daylight and the skin burn out in bright light. https://www.dropbox.com/s/q6ppip2646ije70/ScreenShot1.png?dl=0 That was close but what I'm after and not good enough to do at this point is get ears like the Shannara ears https://www.dropbox.com/s/p7528yknvkvi6kx/Amberle-elf-ears.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/7rkb6brmjedfq2k/The-Shannara-Chronicles-Season-1-Episode-8-Bandon.jpg?dl=0 I failed trying with the Citrus high-rez head http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58989/? and I have no clue how to do an tris this might need Thanks in advance for even reading tho it has nice pic's
  8. Kia ora I have installed the latest driver and done all I can think of but I now fond after installing an 8Gb Nvidia 1080 EVGA Founder Edition both Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE crash as soon as I click play, My Graphic's are lock to 60Hz just in case thats an issue but that doesn't help Thanks in advance
  9. In response to post #43623375. Is that data Models or data meshes? Just checking it's not a typo the default has always bee meshes as I remember did they change that?
  10. Kia ora I wonder if that link to the TESSnipit tut shoild be removed seeing as how TESSnipt breaks so much stuff and is NOT considered a good tool to mod with? just a thought. Maybe it need some discussion
  11. Kia ora I watch a couple of tutorials and had a sot at editing a perk making a new one. I wanted to edit the level 100 perk on Enchanting and add one into the tress linked off Insightful Enchanter (just one level and one perk) I got the edits done and the perk made ok. Went to Character > Actor Values and selected Enchanting from the list, clicked on The Perk Tree button and got the tree up ok. I noticed right away I have NO snap/unsnap option and when I add the perk I CAN'T drag (using that wee hand option) a link from InsightfulEnchanter to my new perk. Looks a tad weird with a perk floating there not connected to the tree. Thanks in advance
  12. Kia ora This is really beautiful work man, kudos I'm thinking I'm years to late, did this die? or is the download on the Nexus it, the maps on Nexus do not seem to be as accurate as these screen shots sadly
  13. Is that why I can't get to my messages?
  14. Kia ora As I'm very new to modeling and don't know animation at all, I'm needing some help pretty please I'm looking for if possible a UNP or UNPB body the has the standard Skyrim T pose and a normal Mixamo T pose. I have some armours I'd like to try to use on a skyrim char and it a pain trying to reshape them, my thinking is if I have the abouve mentioned body I load the armour onto the body in it's default pose, fit it, skin it and shift the animation to the Skyrim pose to export or visa versa. Sorry I don't know how to export the skyrim T pose as an FBX
  15. In response to post #29136419. #29136474, #29136559 are all replies on the same post. Kia ora Nothin wrong with not being over baked lass, rare is good. I'm 66 great to see us young one still have'n fun BTW Dave haramai In case you need it Dave http://www.maoridictionary.co.nz/word/886
  16. Kia ora I installed my game body with the UNP Replacer Configuration Package - UNP Replacer Configuration Package 1.9.9 Models and textures and found I had to over install my Skeleton with XP32 Maximum Skeleton - XPMS - XPMS 1.94 to get it to work. Not sure thats of any help to you but the version of XPMS seems to be important, I vaguely rememebr somebody saying the latest extended version does not work with DSR
  17. Is the mod made for Duel Sheath? what mod are we talking about or is it a default weapon
  18. Kia ora If you have a missing mesh that should not crash you, I have to wonder if it's not a good idea to uncheck all mods and jus run the default game see how that runs then load the Unofficial patchs and see how that runs and build slowly. Keep in mind tho your game will crash if you try to load a char that has saves with mod esm's saved in it so for testing you would need mak a new char
  19. Kia ora You will need to make it or talk to dptheslothking he is doing this stuff but you need permissions in some case's
  20. Kia ora After export did you copy th BSShader from a working nif and paste it in you new one repacing the BSShaders that where expoted using Nifskope, then relink your textures? the one exported by Max don't work, they need replacing
  21. Kia ora I'm not sure this would help but I use these races and they use a standalone file structure so they might give out clues The Lunari, the Ashen and the Epic Elf races, they use their own bodies, heads etc so that maybe a place to look at how that was done sorry I can't help more, maybe better than no reply at all tho
  22. Kia ora You don't mention if your have SKSE installed at all or if you edited your SKSE.ini to suit, something like: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [General] ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 [Display] iTintTextureResolution=2048 [Memory] ;This is a temporary value. Please use Memory Blocks Log to find out what yours should be set to. defaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 scrapHeapSizeMB=256 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For example. installing Wrye Bash and making a Bash Patch could help, it will show you mods that need to have masters reordered also. I'm guessing tho and this is a guess going by what your say I maybe wrong, 8Gb ram if your using and HD textures will bottom out some what quickly if your not running a memory patcher, I use "Phinx Natural" ENB simply becuase it is very light on the system, maybe a wee test disable the ENB and see if you last longer, make sure your grass is not set to heavy, I don't see the DLC patch's for Climates of Tamriel in your list or the Falskaar one either nor do you have the Unofficial texture Patch. When you run loots do you get ANY red messages at all? I'm no expert but that might give you some food for thought that helps. my first guess would be tho that, that 8Gb ram would be better at 16 and the 750 has what 2Gb ram, so I'd be thinking memory might be a little bit of a problem specially with that ENB, it's great but I believe its quite heavy on your system, Keep in mind this is just my two bob's worth of food for thought Is you game in the default path, eg c:programs etc if so I'd move that to a libaray out side those folder eg: c:\game\Skyrim or somit like that
  23. Kia ora Have you installed FINIS and did you run the Skyprocer? BTW weapons have to be made to suit Due Sheath Redux. If there is no swordLeft.nif and it has not been setup to use DSR it won't work
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