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Vault 101's "experiment"


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Okay, I've been to all of the other known vaults and there's an obvious experiment going on in each one of them. So what was the experiment/premise in the starting vault, Vault 101?


I considered the idea that the overseer's complete power might be the concept, but all vaults seem to have that. Could it have something to do with the mutterings during the "X YEARS LATER" markings? Or did I just completely bypass a plot marker?

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Theirs was the "No posibility of getting out"... and like all the others, it failed. They were given everything they needed in the vault OTHER than a G.E.C.K. that would allow them to live outside.


In the first game, they had a defective water chip and no replacements and no G.E.C.K. - they were given a real reason to send someone out and try and make it without the vault or tech to back them up.


There was another one that had everything - Vault City in F2. They just turned into a city full of elitist snobs.

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Could be that Vault 101 was a experimental 'control group' that went wrong.


In experiments (and testing) there is often a control group that is left alone so that it can be compared to other groups who are experimented with. (A group gets placebos while two other groups get real drugs.) You probably know this!


Thus Vault 101's experience could be compared to those of other vaults that had actual experiments. This begs the question of how the results would be recorded and by whom? For example are there tiny hidden cameras and microphones in each vault, including Vault 101, and could this idea lead to a whole new deep conspiracy quest?


On the other hand, sometimes I think that the vaults were set up to fail and to be somehow recorded (perhaps secretly somehow) but that the A bombs fell before everything was ready for Vault-Tec to do its dirty work.


It annoys that Bethesda made Vault 101 the only successful vault in the DC Wastelands and even that was/is having troubles.


By the way I have done university studies on such things as scientific methodologies and experimental procedures and the vault experiments idea is at best a dubious one. What would Vault-Tech or some force behind Vault-Tec hope to achieve from any data gained? Even if the data was gained its actual usefulness is questionable because of all the uncontrolled variables found in all the vaults. Oh well, its only a game!


Anyway, just some thoughts.

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"And war...war never changes."


Need irl reason to use that quote...



But yah, 101 is an experiment in seeing how they survive with the prospect of being underground forever.

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Would agree except for one reason:


As the story goes on in Vault 101 you learn that in truth the vault was only closed up by the Overseer after the main player (as a child) and her father were allowed into the vault. It is even stated by one of the rebels (Amanda) during the return to Vault 101 that the concept of nobody entering or leaving Vault 101 was a lie.


If Vault 101's experiment was based on the principle of nobody leaves and nobody enters, then why were the main player character let in as an infant along with her father?


Another point is that all the vaults would have had a period of letting nobody in or out as a logical part of waiting out the worst of the after effects of a nuclear war. Each vault could only sustain so many people and others would be far from welcome. Also others would have radioactive sickness and probably other illnesses that would threaten the vault dwellers. You would probably find that other vaults were locked against other people getting in, at least in a logical universe.


That is why I think that the 'nobody gets in or out' policy is not Vault 101's experiment.


Love the dancing banana: :banana:

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or it could be by the that was the experiment and by the time that amatas father became the overseer maybe back then he had a heart so he let someone else join there ranks for he did not want them to have to suffer the harshness of the outside shortly after he realized his mistake and how he had compromised the results so he became a hardass this would also be why they did not have a geck they were not ever going to get out
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Originally vault 101 was for public and also to earn money for vault-tec , but when the warning about nukes came not everyone went into preordered vault , that's why there aren't so many people in vault and those who were late took refugee in megaton hole.
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