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Vault 101's "experiment"


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Actually the Enclave IS the US government.

And yeah Vault Experiment Program is a failure since for some unknown reason the Enclave didn't follow through with the whole resettling on another planet thing making the project's original goal moot. They switched to resettling earth and "rebuilding America".


They did continue vault monitoring and research at least until the end of FO2. Until that time, they've got the most advanced tech around and I'm pretty sure they have the means to communicate with at least some of the vaults if they needed to. They did send the signal to Vault 13 that prompted the inhabitants to get ready to finally leave the vault.

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Actually the Enclave IS the US government.

And yeah Vault Experiment Program is a failure since for some unknown reason the Enclave didn't follow through with the whole resettling on another planet thing making the project's original goal moot. They switched to resettling earth and "rebuilding America".


They did continue vault monitoring and research at least until the end of FO2. Until that time, they've got the most advanced tech around and I'm pretty sure they have the means to communicate with at least some of the vaults if they needed to. They did send the signal to Vault 13 that prompted the inhabitants to get ready to finally leave the vault.


I agree and I know that the Enclave is the old US government ... but it game the the clear idea that they had their own problems with leadership, if they trusted it to a Presidet AI, just an idea ofcourse.

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Maybe he was originally a temporary replacement when they lost Richardson in the oil rig but as time went by and by that time they got used him (or it) being the leader?
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Maybe he was originally a temporary replacement when they lost Richardson in the oil rig but as time went by and by that time they got used him (or it) being the leader?

Either that or was a perfect replacment cause he/it didn't hinder their plans? :)

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I think they didn't want the nukes dropped until they had moe Vaults and were more sure of what to do after they were dropped

and they were probably rushing cause of the decaying international affairs

so at one point, they were going to socially engineer the dropping of the bombs

but not until they were sure that they would survive safely/be able to get their results


and Eden was a replacement for Richardson, I guess

though he NEVER mentions Richardson, and acts like he took over immediately after the war, so he may have commanded the east coast forces semi independently

I hope New Vegas will fill in some canonicity holes, instead of making more

maybe a Colonel Autumn type will take over the Enclave, someone small enough to not have been mentioned, but big enough to take power in the absence of Eden

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If the Enclave did set up the vaults and the experiments why did they try to enter vault 101? Shouldn't they have been able to open the door anyway?


They have set up the vaults yes, but the Overseer was put in charge by the Vault Tech. You don't expect that every single person involved knows the secret agenda of the Enclave right?

I suppose they weren't able to get inside for different reasons: change of codes, the overseer and down this line

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I think they didn't want the nukes dropped until they had moe Vaults and were more sure of what to do after they were dropped

and they were probably rushing cause of the decaying international affairs

so at one point, they were going to socially engineer the dropping of the bombs

but not until they were sure that they would survive safely/be able to get their results


and Eden was a replacement for Richardson, I guess

though he NEVER mentions Richardson, and acts like he took over immediately after the war, so he may have commanded the east coast forces semi independently

I hope New Vegas will fill in some canonicity holes, instead of making more

maybe a Colonel Autumn type will take over the Enclave, someone small enough to not have been mentioned, but big enough to take power in the absence of Eden



Anyway they survived pretty well in Raven Rock. It wasn't a Vault but it has all they need including laboratories and judging by the supermutans and deathclaws they had in there, they seems to been out in the waste quite alot of times :)


That's my point: I guess they took the chance of the war to replace the president and all the politicans too in a quick sweap :) A nuclear sweap. It wouldn't surprise me if comes out that the persona vault of the white house was sealed and turned off to be sure that nobody will ever come out.


I do hope too that in Vega we'll see some gaps filled but we don't even know if the game takes place, before, during or after fallour 3 events.

I hardly doubt that the Enclave will be finished with Fallout 3. We are talking a military organization / shadow government that survived pretty well the war. No matter how many skirmish you win I guess their true number is quite large. America is a big country after all no?

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I don't remember where exactly, but I remember seeing an image of pre-war America where Vault Tec Headquarters was one of those skyscrapers, not that tiny 4-floor shopping mall size building you see in Fallout 3. That said, Vault Tec is probably still monitoring the vaults.
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