Azndragon Posted July 23, 2013 Share Posted July 23, 2013 Alright, so random CTDs or infinite loading screens when going through transitions. Load order should be fine, I'm using BOSS to sort it. I am also using the latest version of SKSE. I have both Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLCs. Here are my specs, in case anyone needs them:>Windows 7 Professional 64bit>i7 3770k @ 4.4GHz>2x Sapphire Radeon HD 7970 CF @ 1155/1550>32GB GSkills Ripjaws 1600MHz RAM>Kingston SSDNow V+200 240GB (boot drive)>Seagate Barracuda 2TB 7200RPM (steam drive, skyrim is located here)>Enermax Revolution 85+ 1250w>Any other information regarding my system specs can be found hereNow for the most important bit, the mods I'm running. I've removed all mods that I don't find essential (to try and stabilize my game), but if there's anyway to reduce the amount of issues I'm having then I'll begrudgingly remove the problematic mod, but first try to find a way to resolve the conflict. These names are straight out of NMM.Animals, creatures, mounts & horsesSkyrim Immersive CreaturesAnimationDual Wielding Blocking AnimationsFores New Idles in Skyrim - FNISMartial ArtsNew Animation Power ThrustNew Animation for Running with Bow - Bow - Running Forward v 1-2Pretty Combat IdlesThe Dance of DeathXP32 Maximum Skeleton -XPMSArmourArise - Chapter 1 The Black Sacrament - Black Sacrament Armor V4-1 - High DefImmersive Armours - Immersive Armours v6Immersive Armours - Immersive Armours v6 UNP SupportSkyrim Unlimited Rings and Amulets 1_5Unique Dragon Priest Masks - HD TexturesCastles, palaces, mansions and estatesBluecreek Estate v1_1_2Dead ManorCheats and God ItemsPhenderix Tool - Weapon EditCities, towns, villages and hamletsBeautiful WhiterunDawnstar ExpandedSolitude Docks District - Solitude a City of TradeWhiterun Outskirts Market 0-4-7CombatCombat Damage MultiplierDual Wield Parrying SKSE 2_52Enhanced Enemy AI - Enhanced Enemy AI for Dawnguard + DragonbornLocational Damage 2_2Companions - OtherMercenaries r9Seranaholic - Seranaholic RedEyes UNPUFO - Ultimate Follower OverhaulUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul Dawnguard AddOnEnvironmentalEnhanced Distant TerrainW.A.T.E.R - Water and Terrain Enhancement ReduxGameplay Effects and ChangesAlternate Start - Live another lifeArrows in the EVERYWHEREMercy - Mercy 1_3PerkUp! ~Ultimate Perk Mod~RE - Real Estate - RE - 1_3Skyrim -Community- Uncapper v1_15_1_1Guilds and FactionsEnhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild - ESFCompanions FULL VERSIONWars of the Third Era LOTR - Wars of the Third Era (I'm planning to get rid of this one anyway)Hair and face modelsApachii Skyhair V1_5Enhanced Character EditEnvision Face for UNPImmersionBrighter Torches with Bigger RadiusCannabis Skyrim 0dot1dot6dot1Cannabis Skyrim 0dot1dot6dot2aJobs of Skyrim -WIP-Life in Prison 202Point the WayRealistic Crime RadiusSpeed Revised V2Magic - Spells and enchantmentsApocalypse Spell Package v400Enchanting FreedomForgotten MagicSkyrim Spells and Powers by WarriorKeKe 2-6MiscellaneousUsable Sawmills 20 Wood UpdatedModels and TexturesDIMONIZED UNP Base Main Body V1_2SOS - Schlongs of SkyrimSOS - Scholongs of Skyrim SOS UpdateThe skeleton of female models - Perfect 3-2New LandsFalskaarNPCInconsequential NPCs 1 dot 5bMarriable SeranaOBIS - Organized Bandits in SkyrimRandomly Generated Generic Townsfolk Facegen FilesRandomly Generated Generic Townsfolk RGGT v2Travellers of SkyrimTravellers of Skyrim Dragonborn Addon v100OverhaulsLock OverhaulRealistic Lighting OverhaulPatchesEnhanced Blood Textures - Skyrim Immersive Creatures PatchQuests and AdventuresHelgen Reborn V104 FinalStealthSneak Tools 1_00UnassignedEnhanced Skyrim Followers - Aela the Huntress ESFAelaPhenderix Magic Evolved 5 Update 1-5898-5-10Phenderix Transcended-36351-3-00spellpack1 Update 5-31882-1-3-5VastoLordeNEW-26446-1-1User InterfacesA Quality World MapCategorized Favorites Menu v0_1_18Immersive HUD - iHUD v2_3RaceMenu v2-0-2SkyUIVisuals and GraphicsEnhanced Blood TexturesEnhanced Blood Textures - Dragonborn-Dawnguard PatchStatic Mesh Improvement ModWeaponsBetter Bows - Better_Bows_1_4_1Dread Knight Weapon SetImmersive WeaponsJaySuS Swords 13CJaySuS Swords 13C to 13D UpdateTorch Arrows - DawnguardWeapons of the Third Era MoS Edition rarecraftWeapons of the Third Era MoS Edition v1_51FULLWeapons and Armor SetsHeavy Armory - New Weapons v2_4 Dragonborn VersionThese are all my mods, it tooks so long to write this out, I hope someone will be able to help me! Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reynard131 Posted July 23, 2013 Share Posted July 23, 2013 Use NMM to sort by date of install ascending.... The first mods to look at are the ones carrying the "immersive" label...they are known to be a pain. The Solitude Docks... would be next.. When you put mods in, do them one by one, and then you can better isolate any issues. use your download history to help also. I can help you get the rest running better or at least help Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Georgiegril Posted July 23, 2013 Share Posted July 23, 2013 Adding to the above post...If you are using BOSS to sort order, there are very likely a number of "unrecognized" mods at the bottom of your list. These must be properly placed manually, or you can experience the effects you report. There are a few ways to determine proper placement--many times a mod author will provide instructions for load order; if not you can try placing with similar type mods that BOSS did place (this has a fairly high margin of error) or you could use TES5Edit or Wrye Bash. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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