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[WIP] Warhammer 40K Imperial Weapons


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Keep in mind a standard bolt is .75 caliber. That is just shy of 20mm, and a bit bigger than a 12 gauge shotgun shell. I can't remember where I read it (i'll have to go through my fluff) but a standard bolter fires in three modes, single, 4 round burst, and full auto. They never do give the size of a heavy bolt shell though. I have some free time coming soon. I'm going to model a Stalker Pattern Bolter, and the Vindicare Assassin weapons.
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It states that it's .75 caliber here:



The Bolter is a large, .75 caliber assault rifle. It has a much greater mass than most standard-issue rifles such as the Lasgun, although it is slightly shorter in length. Unlike most rifles, it lacks a stock, resulting in a grip much like a pistol's or submachine gun's. A Space Marine's bulky armor would make shouldering a stock an awkward experience, but power armor is most likely also able to compensate for vibrations and oscillation, making a stock redundant. Stocks are sometimes used, however, with an extended barrel and an M40 Targeter System to transform the bolter into a sniping weapon system. These sniper-bolters are most often used with Stalker Silenced Shells.




Hehehe ;)

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Your murdering me with the suspense... I already have the armor...



Sorry if I pressured you, your really great at textures :D


I just want them so bad >:(

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