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[LE] I'm not able to fix this specific gray face bug

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Hi! I already had previous experiences with grey face bug. But I was always able to fix it.


This time, I edited the default Skyrim character (the blonde guy you control when you coc from main menu).

The grey face sadly appeared.

I did try to fix it several times by exporting the facegen data with ctrl+f4. Of course, I did select the specific actor (Player) from Actors-->Actors sub-section.


During the first tries, I managed to export facegen data, but the grey face would still persist.

Now, after some tries, facegen data will not be exported anymore. I even tried to delete the related folder with previous facegen data, but nothing did change. The CK says that it exported the data, but it's not true at all. I can't even find it in other folders.


Can you help me? You will be credited


PS: I'm NOT using custom hair or face parts, just vanilla resources. I just did set dreadlocks to be available to every human race.



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