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War on terrorism but not all terrorism?


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I'm sure everyone has heard now of the terrible terrorist attack in Russia... Well now, I wonder what is the USA planning to do about this? Since they are waging war against all terrorists i'm sure they have to do something about those in Russia too.

I'm thinking that in the White House they say: "Well they didn't do us any harm so why should we do something? Those terrorists in Russia might turn to us then".

But then again, what WILL they do against them? Bomb Tsjetsenia (or however that should be spelled)? I certainly hope not...

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Oh... don't worry about it.


The war on terrorism is actually "war of any form of terrorism with might in some way threaten the USA". That is, at the moment, Al Qaeda. The terrorists in Chechnya want independence from Russia. The Chechen have no reason to attack the US, so the US will not wage war on the Chechen terrorists... or "freedom fighters", depending on what perspective you choose to adopt. The US have no reason to attack the terrorists in Chechnya.

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IMO i dont think the USA will lift a finger to help plainly because it is not in their best interest. What those people did is beyond the boudaries of warfare, people like that, well there isn't a description worse enough for people like that.


If America truely are fighting a war on terrorism then yes they should go in there and help, but at least make a better job than that farce (sp?) in Iraq. But no America will not help they only care about fighting people that are a pain to them.

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Actually, the russian governement was trying originally to tie these guys to Al Queda, probably in an effort to get the US to step in and help. This is such a terrible situation. Hundreds of dead children, loss on both sides, un-imaginable pain for those families (much like the 9-11 tragedy in the US) and the first thing the Governement does is try to pin it on Al Queda so that the US can help the Russian Govt. kill even more people. It's just sad...
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And good luck to him IMO any man/women who is capable of doing that to children deserves to die. But i believe that this war Putin will fight is unwinable. Just like the war the US are fighting it cant be won by mass numbers, better equipment and so on, far is rapidly changing.

In Chechnia (sp?) 70% of married women have been widowed in the past 10 years due to the fighting, the only way to end a comflict like this would to take out every Chechen and that is just not an option. but i do believe there are going to be much more worse things to come, for both sides.

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So, let me get this straight. A bunch of kids are dead in Russia from a couple of Chechen terrorists, and you're going to turn this into a Bush-bashing issue? Why, because we haven't immediately sent a bunch of our guys over there?


What exactly would that have accomplished, sending a division of troops over to a school in Russia? Would you have suggested sending them into the school, which would lead to the slaughter of all those kids? Would you have just let them stand there while the Russians, who knew more about the school than we could, did all the work? Should we keep sending troops over there everytime the Chechens blow up a bomb, even though Putin adamantly refused to help us in Iraq and Afghanistan?

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I believe the US will not step in (though putin obviously wants and needs the help). Russia has been attempting to become democratic for quite some time, this is an unfortunate step in the process. When america declared independance it was makeing the same point the chechins are trying to make. Unfortunately, because in the past the communist party has been "stubburn" in letting its countries free (much like the british didnt want to loose america), the chechins are trying to win their freedom in all the wrong ways. They use bombings and terrorist acts, which is what they think is the only thing that will work on the russians. I am not supporting what the chechins did in any way. Their acts, both in the sabotageing of the two plains(which thankfully were not the size of our 747s), and in the school hostage takeover, cannot be forgiven. These people have taken a fight for freedom and turned it into a bloodbath. If the chechins had one chance of sympathy from the world, they destroyed it by takeing terrorist action. I mourn for the children slain in that event, they had nothing to do with the chechin fight. And I feel terrible for the parrents that had to watch their children die. If it were in my power I would personally kill the people that did this. But unfortunatly, I believe the US will take no action to stop the chechins...
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I'm sorry, my post wasn't clear. I wasn't trying to turn it into a Bush bashing thread. I meant, very sincerley that this was a terrible and just... utterly horrible tragedy. I've seen some pictures from the scene where there are just rows of dead children from 10 - 15 years old laying on the ground. There are no words for the horror. My point was that it's sad, and it's sickening to think that the first thing that the Russian Govt. did was to try to get the US involved by trying to tie this attack to Al Queda. It just seems wrong to me. I didn't say anything about Bush being involved with this. I don't think he is, and since the Russian's havn't made any connections yet the US hasn't said it will directly intervene. Hopefully that clears it up, this isn't a bush bash.


I don't know the full history of the Russian and Chechen rebels but it's something I'm going to do some research on. I have sneaking suspicion that Russia has not made things very easy for the Chechen people in the past. But that is NO excuse for what they did earlier this week. It's just unbelievable.

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Ok, my family is from russia and my dad served as a senior leutenant there for a while. He has friends there who are in the russian military right now and are at higher rankings. He says that the russian army "if" it wanted to can mop the floor with the few chechen terrorists. But there is the "if". They dont want to. The russian governemts still abuse thier power (yeltin's daughter was doing just that a few years ago). the fact is that the "war" gives a reason for the governement to dish out money to the military leaders of this so called war. The fact is that chechan is a small area and filled with poor people with homeade weapons. The russian army can swipe clean throught he entier territory and could have for the last 6 years. But their simply not going to because of politics and curroption within the officials. I mean hey, russias the only civilized country where you can bribe airport security with a glass of vodka and 50 bucks. ( my

dad did just that to get valuable stuff through) <_< :lol: :D

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