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Roman Armor &Weapons


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could someone Make Roman Armor and Weapons and Include them in some sort of quest or Make a Fort/small castle and Make it a Roman style thing with the soldiers then (just to make it more fun to get it) We dont need Lorica Hamata since Chainmail is already in the game :P


Roman Centurion(A Sort of Captain this is for the Centurion Helmet): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Centurio...Luc_Viatour.jpg


Lorica Segmentata (Body) http://www.a2armory.com/images/med-armor/lorica.jpg


(some soldiers with Armor and a Centurion with Diffrent armor): http://museums.ncl.ac.uk/archive/arma/welc/groups/leg2a.jpg


The helmet: http://www.swordsandarmor.com/images/H-910...Roman_small.jpg


The Shield: http://armillum.com/tienda/images/ARMILLUM...do-imperial.jpg


The Gladius(Short sword): http://wiki.rpg.net/images/b/bc/Gladius.jpg


Spatha(Long sword): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Spatha_e...d_century_1.jpg


Pugio(Leaf Bladed Dagger): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pugio_175_aC.jpg




(EDIT: Also Changing the Request a Bit)

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Im bumping this since its two das No activity(looking exept a few persons) or posts Also Som More Pictires of Legionaries (could Help Modders :) ) 1: http://www.hat.com/Prev/bx8064.jpg 2: http://www.livius.org/a/1/legio/legionary_bonn.jpg

3: http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Ho...oldiers/leg.jpg



Also the Shield(square (or something) one) has the Width of a Average Man ( i think ) and a Length of 1.5 Meter or something People canHide from Face to knees if im correct


Also another Pic of the Armor(Body) http://www.thesteelsource.com/images/ah3851.jpg this is Better since it Also has the Tunic/shirt as it sould be


the Ceturion Helmet: http://us.st12.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/y...7_2040_52974430


Another Picture This time of a Legionrie without a Plume on his Helm ( a Standard Soldier of Low rank i assume) : http://www.by-the-sword.com/acatalog/images/1-158.jpg

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A look around using the advanced search feature of TESNexus would lead you to the following mods:


Imperial Roman Helmet - Modders Resource

Roman Effort 1

Roman Legion Mod

Maafiaman Gladius

Bella Moretta (weapons)

Falcata and Scutum

New 4 Weapons



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i know some of those but that Roman Legion mod isnt really Roman its just some repainted armor and weapon sets that maaiman gladius Mod that one i just Noticed.. Most are good&bad But sometimes a Simple retexture isnt good in my opinion atleast i now Have a Shield that looks quite good (that Scutum & Falcata Mod) i Just Hope someone will try to Make it Custom Not really Repainted or (how ever it is called) Also i wouldnt Request this if i couldnt find a Mod/the mod that i want/am looking for.. i know a few of the Mods you listed only the rest is new to me ( Roman effort 1 maaiman gladius and Scutum & falcata + new 4 weapons)
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Well, sounds like some of the links helped you get a bit closer to what you want.


I would suggest downloading Blender from TESNexus and start going through the Noob-to-Pro tutorial while you wait to see a modeler will take up this request. Most current modelers got their start in this very same way. You do not have to be an artist to make these sorts of things...I am living proof.


It does take time though and a lot of trial and error (aka Practice)



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