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Differences Between WorkshopCenter and Sandbox area


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Since I created a few dozen settlements that only had small size it never occured to me but now that I've expanded the castle area I have to deal with this topic



What are the key differences between Workshoplinkcenter and Workshoplinksandbox?


I thought "Sandbox" was the area you could assign people to jobs and where they would go in their freetime.

But at least in The Castle they still only wander about the Castle center, no matter how big the Sandbox area is


So is it possible to linkref the Workshop Center to another XMarkerheading so I can have essentially two sandbox areas?

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Look at the AI sandbox packages on alias WorkshopActorApply on quest WorkshopParent which mostly feature WorkshopLinkHome


If you then look at WorkshopParentScript.AssignHomeMarkerToActor you will see WorkshopLinkHome is linked to WorkshopLinkSandbox, or if that is none WorkshopLinkCenter.

; utility function used to assign home marker to workshop actor
function AssignHomeMarkerToActor(Actor actorToAssign, WorkshopScript workshopRef)
	; if sandbox link exists, use that - otherwise use center marker
	ObjectReference homeMarker = workshopRef.GetLinkedRef(WorkshopLinkSandbox)
	if homeMarker == NONE
		homeMarker = workshopRef.GetLinkedRef(WorkshopLinkCenter)
	actorToAssign.SetLinkedRef(homeMarker, WorkshopLinkHome)

Why would WorkshopLinkSandbox be none ?


(a) it doesnt exist.

(b) the linkedref keyword has been setup the wrong way round (several workshop guides actually tell people to do this).

© the object is non persistent and unloaded when the settler is configured so a valid linkedref cant resolve.


You need to query the actors to get the package they are running and what WorkshopLinkHome links to for whats actually happening ...

ScriptName SKK_Global
Function GetActorInfo(ObjectReference ThisREF) Global ; cgf "SKK_Global.GetActorInfo" 
If (ThisREF != None) && (ThisREF is Actor) 
   Keyword pWorkshopLinkHome = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0002058f, "Fallout4.esm") as Keyword
   Debug.Trace("SKK_GetActorInfo CurrentPackage " + (ThisREF as Actor).GetCurrentPackage() )
   Debug.Trace("SKK_GetActorInfo WorkshopLinkHome " + ThisREF.GetLinkedRef(pWorkshopLinkHome) )	
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non persistent and unloaded when the settler is configured




Yeah that's the odd thing I even created a custom triggerzone with the "Must Persist" keyword.

But maybe the Settler AI is set to the old sandbox zone and not the new one I've created.

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  On 8/29/2021 at 2:34 PM, Zorkaz said:
non persistent and unloaded when the settler is configured


Yeah that's the odd thing I even created a custom triggerzone with the "Must Persist" keyword.

But maybe the Settler AI is set to the old sandbox zone and not the new one I've created.


Dont play around with zones and location data in a vanilla settllement...Big chance of breaking the settlement. Only create zones for a new location with that location's specific markers (map, location,center etc. ). If i was expanding a vanilla settlement i would only add more workshoplinkedprimary's/sandboxes and touch nothing else like i do in all my settlement mods or simply expand the all ready used primary. Have you tried duplicating an existing primary and simply reference it to the workshop like you do usually ? If the primary used in the vanilla is edited the copy will have the same characteristics ...

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