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Adding DOF to SweetFX?


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How would I go about doing this, if it's possible? Some pretty amazing things are possible with SweetFX, so I don't see why this shouldn't be.


Thanks in advance for any advice! ^_^

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Because DoF needs extensive shaders, which SweetFX (being a more simple post-process program) doesn't have unless you include shader techniques or completely rewrite the code in the dll binary file itself. f you've the knowledge to do something like this, contact CeeJay (the author of SweetFX) at Guru3D.


At the present state, DoF is not possible with SweetFX without the much-needed internal shader modifications; you can't just add .h files with shaders that allows for DoF, since it's a multi-pass code, whilst SweetFX is single-pass.

Edited by ZeroKing
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Because DoF needs extensive shaders, which SweetFX (being a more simple post-process program) doesn't have unless you include shader techniques or completely rewrite the code in the dll binary file itself. f you've the knowledge to do something like this, contact CeeJay (the author of SweetFX) at Guru3D.


At the present state, DoF is not possible with SweetFX without the much-needed internal shader modifications; you can't just add .h files with shaders that allows for DoF, since it's a multi-pass code, whilst SweetFX is single-pass.

Oh, alright. Thanks for letting me know!

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I guess it depends on the complexity of the DOF though... Skyrim by default has DOF built in to its singular post processing routines (end-of-frame imagespace) but it's not a very good DOF setup. All you can adjust is scale, radius, starting distance, and effect range. I've experimented with this a fair bit myself and so far the results have been non-worthy and left to dafault (subtle) settings.


Point being, you don't neccessarily need to rely on SweetFX or any other app for basic DOF as the internal imagespaces kind of covers it, which can obviously be modded to suite tastes. Only downside to modding the IS is that it's weather and time dependent (not a global variable) so there'll be lots of data changing to get the desired effect.

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