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Skyrim Stutter/Jittery with high FPS HELP!


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Alright guys hows everyone doing? well i can play skyrim on high - medium with 30+ fps all the time but im forced to decrease the settings greatly and removing my 3 texture mods (A quality world map, enhanced blood & SMIM) because of this horrible bug i get, i use the simple borderless window mod to fix the stutter but i get a great 20fps decrease! This bug has been in bethesdas games since oblivion and have no idea why they aint fixed it yet :sad: well the last games had stutter remover mods which done the job without harming the performance of the game but i have been looking for ages and cant find a similar plugin. So does anyone on Nexus have a solution to my problem heres my current options: Use the borderless mod and play on low settings with no mods :/ - Use Dxtory to limit my fps to a certain number. These are the 2 options i can do but is there a better option which includes no fps loss or software download? Thank you Nexus community :smile: i hope my problem is fixed.

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You could also try to optimize your textures...SMCO has worked extremely well for me--smoother play with barely ever any noticeable impact on quality.


But it could be that you have something set in your ini files or driver profile that is causing the problem. For example, NVidia drivers sometimes have a bug that sometimes forces dual monitors, or multilple GPUs, even for people only using one. That obviously can cause a performance impact...also you may have unintended changes in your ini files (or intended ones that are not delivering the change you hoped.) Thre has been some recurring posts about Radeon cards having a stutter problem, so if you have one of those it may be card related.


I would suggest you open your driver's game profile in whatever control panel you have for your card, and make sure that everything is set properly. You probably would benefit by reading the entire installation guide that is available for your graphic drivers--they describe known issues for the driver and specific cards, and may have some useful information for you. Then I would take a close look at your ini files--likely culprits could be having changes ugrids from 5 to anything else, increased LODs, decals, anything that increases view distance or textures or fx.


Mods like SMIM can increase stutter because the game is dealing with a lite more script. The more spawns you add, the more that is likely to happen.

In many cases there are "light" or "medium" versions of mods, and often the visual difference is barely noticeable, while the game play is much improved.

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