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Forum issue(s) since recent changes


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I've given it a day or two in hopes that it would correct itself.


1. All new threads that I have posted in since the recent changes have not shown up in the "My Content" section. The only way to know of new replies to posts in these new threads is to manually scan all new posts in the last 24 hours (or longer time frame).


2. I've also noticed a few instances where someone who started a new thread would end up with multiple instances of the thread but only one actually have any content and able to be replied to.


3. Not yet today (just got on) but yesterday I'd gotten several SQL errors of various types. If it repeats I'll try to remember to copy the text.


#1 is the biggest concern for me. It is bad enough scanning my "My Content" section for new replies to threads I've posted in. Scanning all new posts in a specific time frame is worse.



REQUEST: When the dust settles on the recent changes and the kinks worked out, can the "View New Content" button be given options to be (1) specific to the forums of a chosen game or (2) all inclusive? I like to see what new posts there are for Skyrim but since I don't have any of the other games those posts just get in the way. Filtering undesired sections out would be a nice feature. Off by default of course.

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About filtering New Content -- is this what you're looking for? Go to the very end of the Content Type column on the left side of the New Content page: Filter by forum.

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About filtering New Content -- is this what you're looking for? Go to the very end of the Content Type column on the left side of the New Content page: Filter by forum.

That helps. Not very intuitive tho. Had to select every sub-category in order to get all things Skyrim. Just selecting Skyrim wouldn't include the sub-categories.


The other concerns regarding new threads (especially not showing up in the "My Content" section) since the changes are still valid. This thread for example doesn't show up in my "My Content" section despite showing both threads I've started and threads I've posted in. Only threads prior to the changes that already existed in the "My Content" section are being updated when there are new posts.

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Got the SQL error(s) again

SQL Error
An error occured with the SQL server:
mySQL query error: SELECT count(*) as count FROM ibf_topics WHERE last_post > 1374607201 AND forum_id IN (376,380,442,117,439,441,410,361,413,414,420,421,422,518) AND state != 'link' AND topic_archive_status IN (0,3) AND approved=1

This is not a problem with the IPS Community Suite but rather with your SQL server. Please contact your host and copy the message shown above.
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SQL Error
An error occured with the SQL server:
mySQL query error: SELECT cs_value, cs_updated FROM ibf_cache_store WHERE cs_key='mail_processing'

This is not a problem with the IPS Community Suite but rather with your SQL server. Please contact your host and copy the message shown above.
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A page reload typically fixes it...so far.

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The sites are still being worked on - and will not be done until Dark0ne says they are done. So, just keep reporting any strange things you find - and if they are related to the site upgrade they will be looked at. If not, they will be put on a back burner for now as problems related to the upgrade are the only things being worked on right now. :cool:

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