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Foolproof installation?


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Hello all, is there a fool proof installation sequence for Skyrim?

Its really driving me up the wall with constant ctd`s, sometimes I get it to run fine (2 to 3 hours of play) then find the next time I try it only runs for a few min`s.

Pretty sure my systems good, ran memcheck & other test software ok,

System spec`s, AMD Phenom X4 955 cpu, 12gb ddr3 ram, GTX460 SOC 1gb graphics card, plenty of hard drive storage (games installed to 1tb sata II hard drive, separate drive to os (win7x64)).


Tried install without & with unofficial patchs, fully updated system & game, tried with & without mods & fixes, with & without the official DLC`s. Nothing makes much difference.


Im really at my wits end with it, nearing smashing & binning the disk`s,,,,lol.


Tried following many of the posts here to fix problems, some help a little but it always ends the same way, it seems to me that I could play with some earlier updates ok, but the newest patch`s seem break the game for me.


Many thanks for taking the time to read this, if I`ve posted this in the wrong place please feel free to move.



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The only "foolproof" method, as far as I am aware is to read everything related to any change you might make, including every word available on any mod and researching multiple sources for information about any other type of change you may make. Just because it works for one person does not mean that it will work for your specific collection of variables (computer hardware, drivers, other changes you have already made/will make.)


There are good resources like the STEP Guide, which collects a lot of data from various users on a lot of tweaks, the Geforce Tweak Guide, which provides a lot of information on how specific tweaks may affect performance and quality.


Still there is no real alternative to taking the time yourself to slowing research, carefully consider and then test every change of any sort on your own computer. Do this up front and you will be able to play for months without problems. Add a bunch of stuff en masse and you may be able to play faster, but not for very long.

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Thanks for trying with any info Georgiegril, but even with a clean vanilla install with no dlc`s I get ctd`s, usually it starts hitting the fan in helgan at the first auto save, then in the keep & so on.

Tried following the step guide, it helped a little, tried reading the GeForce tweak guide before, much of that seemed to be out dated to me.


Think the only way for me is to get an original release disk again & not update it at all, so much for buying legendary edition,,,,lol



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"ahem",,,,, well it appears that all my problems were caused by a faulty stick of ram in the end, started getting lots of other probs with my system, so ran memchck again & this time it picked it up, must have been intermittently failing in the start.


Thanks again


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