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Mod Request: Harkonnen Anti Tank Anti-Material Rifle (HATAM Rifle)


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Weight: 132.27 LB (60 KG)

Ammunition: 30x210mmB

Firing Mechanism: single-shot breech loader

Ammo types: Depleted Uranium (+100 poison dmg. for 60 seconds) Depleted Uranium Silver (Weighed down variant, +225 Poison DMG for 120 seconds, increases weight by 10 pounds), incendiary napalm shells (Clears large groups, has a arc and drop off)

Range: 1,000

Purpose: long-range fire support, fired over the shoulder.

Scopes: See-through scopes (2.5X, 3.5X, 7.5X, 12.5X, and 20.5X), Long Range Nocturnal Scope (switches between no night vision and night vision based on area / time of day), Long Range Night Vision Scope, Long Range Scope, Glowing iron Sights, Iron Sights

Rifle length: 237 cm long

Clip size: one

Special Effect: Ignores 500 percent of the targets armor / DT and energy resistance with the remaining 400 percent being converted into raw damage, will always gib limbs, feral ghouls will be set on fire for over 1,000 damage over 60 seconds, headshots do +%1000 percent critical damage with the remaining %900 converted into raw headshot damage, when hitting an targets chest dead on precise (Where the targets "heart" is located, upper leftmost part of the torso) will cause the first perk effect of "bloody mess" regardless if the perk was taken or not; otherwise will do the regular 500 percent damage bonus.


This thing may sound like overkill till you realize you can only load one bullet before needing to reload, ammo should also be very scarce, nor have it added to any level lists (God could you imagine a super mutant with this thing?! No thanks!),


Personal notes:

put the weapon under the highest security and for the most ambitious players, create a new location for it, SOMETHING to stop a lv. 1 noob from getting their mits on it, preferably in a mansion of some sort with A LOT of guards, turrets, and bubble turrets and traps and a lock to it's display case.

Edited by ZxAsriel
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The HATAPAM Rifle is only sensible for a world that had power armors at each others' throats.




Anti-Power Armor



Simple fact of warfare; if they ever make a working Power Armor, a Power Armor killing gun will be developed in short order in the unlikely event it wasn't developed at the same time as the armor. I recommend the Sentinel base.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh the Hellsing rifle thingy? I think the old Modular Simonov PTRS-1 Anti-Tank Rifle mod gives me that feel with big meaty sound effects and damage (also recoil).
Its even got a Chinese Anti-Power Armor variant and also a machinegun variant if you want to go hunting zeppelins.

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