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requesting a new castle fortress city mod


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I know confusing right well hear me out I got the idea after playing Helgen Reborn great mod btw. Basically like they did in helgen reborn u either start with a fortress that is falling apart or a place where there is nothing around and you stick a shanty town the towns folk are nords who vehemently believe in the dragonborn. Now that he/she is shown to be here they send a letter and ask his/her help. From there the dragonborn works with the villagers to turn the place into a fortress made just for the Dragonborn. I know there are plenty of castle mods out there but they are all just practically handed to you. I would like to see one built from scratch and where you have choices in the layout and construction type. From the types of materials used to build it to the amount of watch towers and so on. I have no clue how to mod so I am seeking someone else to make this. Let me know your thoughts and ideas on this and modders if you are interested let me know I have much more ideas to go with this basic outline.

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