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TES4Gecko problem


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Why do I keep getting this message?




I downloaded TES4gecko

I used 7zip to extract the files

I installed Tes4gecko into C:\Temp

I used 7zip again to extract the executable jar file

I copied the shortcut and pasted it to my desktop

I opened properties and set C:\WINDOWS\system32\javaw.exe -Xmx1024m -jar "C:\Tmp\TES4Gecko.jar" as the target


When I try to use TES4gecko the only thing it will do is convert an esp to a esm. I can not add a esp to the new esm later because I get the same message except it says that my new esm (that I just created and tested in game) doesn't exist. I have deleted and reinstalled TES4gecko four times with the same exact outcome even though I have tried different paths and different folders to install it in. What am I doing wrong?


Here you can see the properties link of the shortcut


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Try installing TES4Gecko to a subfolder of Bethsoft or Oblivion. It might be having a problem since it is installed somewhere like Temp, which is a spot which is used for more temporary. It also might have trouble accessing files which are located on another drive/partition, so having it located somewhere closer to the program might make it able to load these things.


You might also want to check and see what java version you are using. Newer versions of TES4Gecko may have higher java requirements.


The other issue might be the memory settings within the shortcut. -Xmx1024m tells the shortcut to devote 1024 ram for use by the program for working. If you do not have that much free, and are working on a large mod, or are just working on a very large mod, you may have some issues.

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I have installed it in my C:\program files\Bethesda softworks\oblivion folder then I uninstalled all of my info and reinstalled oblivion to the C:\Games folder. As I've said,I have tried several Paths.


I downloaded the newest version of java before downloading TES4gecko


The instructions in the readme said to change the- Xmx1200m to -Xmx1024m is there a better setting?

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Problem solved. I found the solution to all of my Oblivion modding problems. Don't bother trying if you have that piece of crap operating system, Windows Vista. Stick with Windows XP and your learning curve will be much quicker. If you have Vista, play the game but for Gods sake, don't try to mod with it. I'll stop now before I go into an hour long rant about what a crappy system Vista is. Did I mention that windows Vista is a sucky system?



Like my new signature? I just made it and it's as crappy as Vista itself.

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Problem solved. I found the solution to all of my Oblivion modding problems. Don't bother trying if you have that piece of crap operating system, Windows Vista. Stick with Windows XP and your learning curve will be much quicker. If you have Vista, play the game but for Gods sake, don't try to mod with it. I'll stop now before I go into an hour long rant about what a crappy system Vista is. Did I mention that windows Vista is a sucky system?



Like my new signature? I just made it and it's as crappy as Vista itself.

Yeah, Vista is too much like Mac, they try to make things too user friendly and idiot proof, and as a result pretty much screw over anyone who wants to do anything more complicated than surfing the web and blogging, but who doesn't have enough knowledge or motivation to try and learn Linux. I'm thinking that if Windows 7 doesn't end up being a bit more practical for the rest of us, I might just need to learn Linux so that when I rebuild my computer, I have an OS that doesn't have quite so much locked out.


Anyway, glad the problem was figured out.

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