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Help with Body Mods and Khajiit?


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Damn. I have read it all now - We do say almost the same thing Drake... :O Damn me...

Damn Drake: Sometimes I feel you are inside my head, moving around my synapses, just a tiny bit, as you so often know what I wanna do, specially when I come with new and crazy stuff, like new untested scripts, that might cause issues for the player or modder that will use it in worse case scenario and you correct it and say: *Drake is replying* Pekka, if you do like this, it might work better. :D

What harm would I have been able to create without presenting my ideas and changing them after some very good and cool constructive criticisms, specially at my WIP and if I recall right, mostly from Drake? :D

What would it had done for my reputation? :D :tongue:

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i've been messing around a great deal w/ bsas, nifskope, and xblender lately.

firstly, i don't use Robert's nor OCO.

i always and am attempting to create one texture file (dds) (required nvidia dds plugin) for the entire skeleton.nif (blender w/ niftools). all of these 3rd person views of the body can be found in data/meshes/_male (ie. upperbody, lowerbody, hands, foot, head) nifskope can be used here to view them individually. copying the individual nifstripes into a archived existing skeleton.nif should allow one to view and also set the texture path. the texture path is in the Nitristripes/Nitexturingproperty.

you can also go a different route if the latter isn't proving useful. it sounds as if all of the other races are being mapped correctly, so i would fire up tes4edit and load it all. if i understood correctly, which i don't think oco even touches on khajitt, as it was a fix for the neck seam, which primarily shows on humanoids, not khajitt, argonian, or orc. the socket method i believe what the method was referred to as. any who, after tes4edit is loaded up, scroll to whatever body cosmetic, this is what ya stated was funky, right? look at the order, who supercedes who?

alternatively, as i stated, i don't think Robert's or OCO really deals with non-humanoid. extract the foot dds from Oblivion - textures, for khajitt in a temp folder, actually extract them all with bsa commander. scroll to data/meshes(or textures ... depends)/characters/khajitt and open the mesh file w/ nifskope or blender if it exists, if not scroll over to the textures file same path pretty much, d/textures/c/khajitt.

don't want to deal w/ the headache ... check to see if ya have any hd/hi-rez textures that does replace khajitt or nif if the deformity is in shape. none, extract the texture files to over-write any existing khajitt texture and/or mesh files if necessary. contact the author and thank them for the headache ... that's a joke, i would politely bring it to their attention though.

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If it will help, I will add a tutorial, making the old Blender tutorial sword, into the Blender Monkey Sword I made 2005 and also show how to copy stuff from one mesh in a Nifskope to another mesh in anther Nifskope window. It will be clear as water when I show it in motion pictures.

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