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We get so screwed over...


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Has anyone else noticed that to do the vast majority of the large quests that you end up getting totally shafted? I mean...


You join the Companions, you have to become a Werewolf. If you choose to stay a werewolf your soul is bound to Hircine destined to be forced into his Hunting Grounds for all eternity. Luckily this is one of the least bad ones since you can cure your lycanthropy at some point and you're not stuck with it forever.


The Thieves Guild however is not so forgiving. If you want to become the Guild Leader you have to sell your soul to Nocturnal and serve her for all eternity guarding some stupid dark cave after you die. Boy, doesn't that sound "fun..." That one was actually really upsetting. They just kinda force it on you. I remember my first playthrough I straight up quit the quest and walked away when they said all that nonsense.


Ah and the Dark Brotherhood... the highlight of the Elder Scrolls games. Look what happened to poor Lucien Lachance. You end up serving Sithis for all eternity and someone down the line is going to be able to summon your ghost to fight for them in the name of the dread father.


Then there's of course every Daedric quest where you become a Daedra's champion... you can pretty well assume you're going to have to serve them in the afterlife as well and they'll drag your soul to their realm of Oblivion. Though it kind of makes you wonder just who you're going to end up with if you're the Champion of every Daedra out there as well as promised entrance into Sovngarde, bound to Hircine, Sithis, Nocturnal, and more...


If you play a character that tries to avoid having their soul ganked you're actually quite limited in what you can actually do. You can't even do the Dragonborn content seeing as to how you have to sell your soul to Hermaeas Mora just to kill Miraak.


I suppose the Dawnguard content can be done, assuming you side with the humans. I'm a bit iffy on whether being a vampire would assign you to Molag Bal after death, which is quite possibly the worst fate imaginable in the Elder Scrolls series, though at least you become immortal and can live a very long time... and there is a cure that you could happen to take a few millenia down the line.

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Then there's of course every Daedric quest where you become a Daedra's champion... you can pretty well assume you're going to have to serve them in the afterlife as well and they'll drag your soul to their realm of Oblivion. Though it kind of makes you wonder just who you're going to end up with if you're the Champion of every Daedra out there as well as promised entrance into Sovngarde, bound to Hircine, Sithis, Nocturnal, and more...


If you play a character that tries to avoid having their soul ganked you're actually quite limited in what you can actually do. You can't even do the Dragonborn content seeing as to how you have to sell your soul to Hermaeas Mora just to kill Miraak.

I'm not so sure that becoming a Daedric Lord's champion necessarily binds you to them. I think it depends on the person... if he truly chooses to be aligned with said Daedra or other deity figure. However, there are ways around that. You can see that for yourself if you complete the Comapnion's questline before the Main Quest. When you get to Sovngard, you'll see Kodlak among the wanderers... so, apparently, even in death, there are ways to escape a Daedric Lord's grasp and go to the afterlife of one's choosing. After I've completed a Daedric quest and the said Daedra calles me its champion, I basically want say to it "Call me what you want. All I did for you was a favor. Now give me the boon so I can forget I ever met you." As for the Dragonborn quest... yeah, it's irksome to have to cooperate with that oversized Japanese porn fetish to save the world again... however, it's all the same to me. I kill Miraak, gather his books, get the boons, drop the books off in Severin Manor (using a mod), leave Solstheim, and never return while telling ol' Herm to go screw himself with his own tentacles. Not to mention, as any Nord will tell you, never forget the most important rule of entering Sovngard: it's now how you live that gets you in... it's how you die.

Edited by CaptainRC
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I'm not so sure that becoming a Daedric Lord's champion necessarily binds you to them. I think it depends on the person... if he truly chooses to be aligned with said Daedra or other deity figure. However, there are ways around that. You can see that for yourself if you complete the Comapnion's questline before the Main Quest. When you get to Sovngard, you'll see Kodlak among the wanderers... so, apparently, even in death, there are ways to escape a Daedric Lord's grasp and go to the afterlife of one's choosing. After I've completed a Daedric quest and the said Daedra calles me its champion, I basically want say to it "Call me what you want. All I did for you was a favor. Now give me the boon so I can forget I ever met you." As for the Dragonborn quest... yeah, it's irksome to have to cooperate with that oversized Japanese porn fetish to save the world again... however, it's all the same to me. I kill Miraak, gather his books, get the boons, drop the books off in Severin Manor (using a mod), leave Solstheim, and never return while telling ol' Herm to go screw himself with his own tentacles. Not to mention, as any Nord will tell you, never forget the most important rule of entering Sovngard: it's now how you live that gets you in... it's how you die.



The reason Kodlak got in sovenguard was because he got rid of his lycanthropy, which was the only thing binding him to hircine. The dragonborn could do that to, but thats pretty much the only contract he could get out off, aside from the vampire one as you mentioned.

Also, remember, the Daedra are really powerful, old, and intelligent. Mora especially so. And he will find a way to either make you serve him, or mess with whatever afterlife you're sent to.

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I'm doing a playthrough right now where I don't join literally anyone that I'd have to sell my soul to, save for ones that I can unbind myself from (e.g. Hircine/Molag Bal potentialy). I figure, it'd be kinda hard to become an Aedra like Tiber Septim (Talos) if I sell my soul to all the damn Daedra out there.


I should be becoming a freakin' Emperor or something - I have the dragon blood. Heck, not to mention you can make the position vacant, and I'm sure the Dragonborn could defeat the Thalmor. What's an army of elves against a being as strong as a Daedra (Clavicus Vile's own words) and half as strong as him even when he's at full power. Half Daedra should be more than enough to conquer most of the known world and form your own empire or something.

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I'm not so sure that becoming a Daedric Lord's champion necessarily binds you to them. I think it depends on the person... if he truly chooses to be aligned with said Daedra or other deity figure. However, there are ways around that. You can see that for yourself if you complete the Comapnion's questline before the Main Quest. When you get to Sovngard, you'll see Kodlak among the wanderers... so, apparently, even in death, there are ways to escape a Daedric Lord's grasp and go to the afterlife of one's choosing. After I've completed a Daedric quest and the said Daedra calles me its champion, I basically want say to it "Call me what you want. All I did for you was a favor. Now give me the boon so I can forget I ever met you." As for the Dragonborn quest... yeah, it's irksome to have to cooperate with that oversized Japanese porn fetish to save the world again... however, it's all the same to me. I kill Miraak, gather his books, get the boons, drop the books off in Severin Manor (using a mod), leave Solstheim, and never return while telling ol' Herm to go screw himself with his own tentacles. Not to mention, as any Nord will tell you, never forget the most important rule of entering Sovngard: it's now how you live that gets you in... it's how you die.



The reason Kodlak got in sovenguard was because he got rid of his lycanthropy, which was the only thing binding him to hircine. The dragonborn could do that to, but thats pretty much the only contract he could get out off, aside from the vampire one as you mentioned.

Also, remember, the Daedra are really powerful, old, and intelligent. Mora especially so. And he will find a way to either make you serve him, or mess with whatever afterlife you're sent to.


I frequently skip a number of quests, because the deadra thing (or the werewolf thing or the night mother thing, etc, dependng on my character) seems inconsistant with my character. Even if you tell them you wont spread their religion, they still seem to see you as theirs. But ultimately, isn't the dragonborn the chosen one of Akatosh, before any of these other things come around? It seems like ultimately that would trump any of the others, if the aedra/daedra were roshambeau-ing for your soul.


@OP, I haven't tried them, but there are mods out their that let you say no to Nocturnal, etc. I haven't used them personally because it seems to me like the kind of person who wants to be the head of the thieves guild or the Dark Bros would be happy to be tight with the associated daedra. One of the ways this game is realistic, I think, is that if you are a moral person with a code of honor, you are just not gonna get all the titles and toys.

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If you play a character that tries to avoid having their soul ganked you're actually quite limited in what you can actually do. You can't even do the Dragonborn content seeing as to how you have to sell your soul to Hermaeas Mora just to kill Miraak.



This just means, that in the end dragonborn will replace miraak, and if you don't like it, old Morra will replace you with someone else. Its pretty much in TES lore, to tie a hero with a daedric lord. Just a way to end a story and show, that no mortal can reach the power of gods. The more power you want, the more you will pay for it. Its a known fantasy trick.

Personaly i try not to mess with daedra at all. I worship Kyn, Mara and Zenithar. Also have nothing against Azura, Meridia, Sheogorath and the "drinking&sniffin daedra". Forgot his name. But others are very dangerous.

Sanguin, thats his name, right?)

You can easely work with them with no harm to your reputation i guess...

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