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Better dragonkin


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What I would love to be able to do in skyrim is play as a dragonkin


Part human part dragon

and while I say part human, Im really just meaning humanoid


Ive seen the mod by coolster



and that's interesting. Its not really what I'm looking for, but its a start.

what I would like to bring further would be a few things


1. A more dragon looking head

2. The ability to fly


Ive seen that the flight mode would be possible from the mod made for the Vampire Race


I would just want to add it on for all races somehow


A more dragon looking head seems like it would be the most difficult one to achieve. What I was Imagining could work is to just take one of the Models from an actual dragon in the game and some how make that fit on the character. more or less a mask. Face animations wouldn't even need to be necessary (but would obviously be awesome).


If any of these things exist, I would love to be pointed in the correct direction.

I'm also interested in learning, so if anyone can make a recommendation if there is a tutorial out there for face remodeling, please let me know.

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