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Dead Money


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As the Brazil mod says - engineers shouldn't play role playing games.


So I was playing the Dead Money DLC and ran into the exploding collar that are set off by the speakers, At first I though I went insane when I heard the speakers interfered with the radio frequency that controlled the collars.


And then I read the Wikie.




"Being far from perfect, the collar can be accidentally set off by certain radio frequencies. This makes it a dangerous thing to wear around any of the casino's decayed, yet still active, radios or speakers. Coming within 8 yards of a radio or 12 yards of a speaker will start a 10-second countdown;"


I see, audio interfering with RF.


The one thing I didn't get was why Father Elijah was so obsessed with getting inside the Sierra Madre Vault. I am under the impression Elijah wants to use the Red Fog as a WMD, so what does the Vault have to do with that? One of the endings is The Courier gets trapped in the vault and Elijah gases the entire NCR ('cause the developers never heard of this) so Elijah doesn't need the vault. So what was that about?

Edited by RJLbwb
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Elijah didn't just want the Cloud as a weapon. He also wanted the entire SM, complete with vending machines and holograms. Even the Cloud was supposed to preserve the buildings over the two centuries.



What do I want. Weapons. Security. A citadel of my own.


He was probably thinking that the vault was holding the key to fulfilling his plans. If you think about it, assuming that an insanely secure vault built in the middle of one of the most secure structures in fallout universe by a businessman, whose casino is equipped some of the greatest technological achievements of the era holds something of value to Elijah is perfectly reasonable.


Also you are playing a game, in which radiation can greatly extent human lifespan, lobotomy is a brain removal procedure (which can be survived), and a cyberdog may need a brain replacement. Fallout universe basically runs on artistic license.

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Elijah didn't just want the Cloud as a weapon. He also wanted the entire SM, complete with vending machines and holograms. Even the Cloud was supposed to preserve the buildings over the two centuries.



What do I want. Weapons. Security. A citadel of my own.


He was probably thinking that the vault was holding the key to fulfilling his plans. If you think about it, assuming that an insanely secure vault built in the middle of one of the most secure structures in fallout universe by a businessman, whose casino is equipped some of the greatest technological achievements of the era holds something of value to Elijah is perfectly reasonable.


Also you are playing a game, in which radiation can greatly extent human lifespan, lobotomy is a brain removal procedure (which can be survived), and a cyberdog may need a brain replacement. Fallout universe basically runs on artistic license.

Ya' I get that, but the problem is after a few hours of play, it gets hard to keep the suspension of disbelief going. :laugh:


But, thanks, that explanation makes as much sense as any.

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It all makes sense when you take into account the power of SCIENCE!!!


and soon all of SCIENCE!! will belong to Dr. Mobius

Someone, give this man a cookie.


Curiously someone very near and dear to me recently said the very same thing.

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It all makes sense when you take into account the power of SCIENCE!!!


and soon all of SCIENCE!! will belong to Dr. Mobius

Speaking of that, I was just playing Lonesome Road


They had a US Army General running the missile silos in the Serra Nevada, two hundred year old nuclear warheads being tossed out of their silos by a nuclear blast and just waiting to be set off by someone's pocket pointer, maimed NCR soldiers only being kept alive after having their skin flayed from their faces by the radiation and it was ALL-SO-SERIOUS.



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Oh and I see the Dead Money Hologram Venders make objects out of energy. ha hah. So someone want to take a stab as to why Dead Money isn't to Fallout what Phantom Menace is to Star Wars - utterly ruins the entire franchise, forever? For those of you don't get it - the Great War was the result of a series of wars between the US and China over the remaining oil supply. If you can make s#*! out of thin air, or at lest the electricity generated by a nuclear reactor, then who needs oil?

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Oh and I see the Dead Money Hologram Venders make objects out of energy. ha hah. So someone want to take a stab as to why Dead Money isn't to Fallout what Phantom Menace is to Star Wars - utterly ruins the entire franchise, forever? For those of you don't get it - the Great War was the result of a series of wars between the US and China over the remaining oil supply. If you can make s*** out of thin air, or at lest the electricity generated by a nuclear reactor, then who needs oil?

so, your concerned about realistic engineering when someone can survive like 30 or more bullets in the head?

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