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Nafarius 0001

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1.Is there a way that you can make the contol humanoid/creature everlasting?

2.When you control people and you take an archer is there a way tp put him on top of your building and leave him?

3.Can you give people robes?

4.Where can I find alot of people wearing glass armor? (do not have to be together)

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Q1: Are you on xbox? If not there are mods that add partners and companions. I'm not sure how the dominate spell works but others seem to form armies with it. (Well, they say they do - which may not be quite the same thing).


Q2: only with a mod I believe and the guy for hire in Mournhold.


Q3: if you have the companion share option on a character you can give them whatever you like but afaik without a mod there is just the one guy in Mournhold with this option.


Q4: look on the UESP website. It lists where all main armour types can be found. Strangely it does not however list the stash of glass armour in the unmarked shipwreck north of the Yasammidan shrine.

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Still somewhat on topic and someone please correct me if I'm wrong. If you own a slave, you can equip whatever items you want on them by dragging the items onto them. Give them a sword and they'll fight with it, otherwise they use their hands. I've only experimented with this a couple of times so I'm no expert.


I did this really early on and the slave died right away, so I don't know if your level has anything to do with what the slave's level will be.

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What are you talking about DreamOfTheRoad?


Yassimidan is directly west of Arkngthunch-Sturdmz. When going north from Gnisis, you'll see a massive bridge. Go west when you find that bridge. You'll eventually exit the main continent of Vvardenfell and enter a small island. Yassimidan is on the southern portion of this island.
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