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Nafarius 0001

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The poor slaves are very low level and won't last long. My advice to you is invest in a pc. Apart from the console advantages there are thousands of free mods available that do almost everything and there are more in the pipeline.


However if there are reasons why that is impractical I think you are better freeing the slaves. Find yourself a biggish dwelling and place a mark there. You can store and display all your stuff. Or take over the top floors of the buildings opposite Ghorak manor in Caldera. You don't need to kill anyone and it has what you need. You are also close to the creeper and the mage guild guide.

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Not escape - that takes you to the main menu. It's the key immediately below escape called tilde I believe, whatever that means.


You can use the console to cheat big time however it has useful functions that are not cheats. RA will reset the NPC's when they have vanished or got stuck in a hole or fallen off the silt strider perch. Fixme will enable you to 'unstick' yourself or get past annoying NPCs that block a door. (RA also usually fixes that too).


Slightly less honourably you can resurrect those you have killed in error, join all three Great Houses and use placeatpc for all those annoyingly distant Morag Tong assassinations. Or you can type in the command to take you directly to them.


Significant cheats include TGM (you are invulnerable) TCL (you pass through walls) and giving yourself uber stats or money.


I never cheat in main games but I once used tgm to jump down from the top of the lighthouse in Seyda Neen in a test game. I turned it off immediately afterwards.


BTW why does an ID ban stop you playing GOTY?

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