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[Dialogue Help] Creating Saadia Companion


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I need help understanding how to create the dialogue follower option at the end of the quest "In My Time of Need." My plan is to give Saadia the proper factions and hoping that the completion of the quest sets Saadia's disposition to allow for the follower dialogue to show: "Follow me, I need help." To my understanding, a disposition of 70 to 75 creates this dialogue based on this tutorial:



I don't know how to modify a quest or dialogue tree where one of the end results is a disposition high enough for a follower.

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http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10693/ here is a mod that adds Saadia as a follower (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13711//? can work too but that one is NSFW). I personally change the disposition manually when making followers (as it is described in that article) so unfortunately I cannot help you there :sad:

Edited by Jokerine
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I have found where I need to insert scripts, but all I know is console commands.

I need to convert these console commands:


SetRelationShipRank Player 4
into this script format:
;Player helped Saadia
Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Gold, 500)
If no one cananswer this, can anyone tell me an instance where a NPC becomes a follower? I would have to look into their quest stages to figure this out.
The other potential follower factions would be put into the factions tab. I just need to know how the disposition is scripted.
Edited by 2CoolCarlos
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What about Lob? You can recruit him after finishing the quest The Cursed Tribe. Also the three followers you can get from the College of Winterold (Brelyna, J'zargo and Onmund) have small quests that let you recruit them later :)

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