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Protect NPC Spell/Power


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Hello everyone.


I would really like to see a mod that gives the player a spell or power with which they can flag any NPC to protected status, so that only the player can kill them, but not dragons, vampires or other creatures/enemies. The other mods that set protected status mostly flag all important npcs or all npcs in general, but that's not what I want. I would like to decide who gets the protection.


with regards, blattgeist

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That would be awesome! Could make for a bit of roleplaying.. running around town while a dragon attacks and protect-flagging several people that didn't hide in their houses. I just don't like to use the console after a dragon/vampire attack or when some random animals killed villagers while I was not around. And checking after every dragonfight who died can be a bit troublesome.

Edited by blattgeist
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I've starting working on the spells I'm trying a "Protect" one and an "Essential" one. I'm tweaking my scripts a bit as I plan to make it apply/revoke the effect depending on the opposite of their present state, so assuming since Whiterun's Jarl is essential casting the essential version of the spell would strip that so you can take an axe to his head.


Also I'm looking into making the effect work for any NPC or animal in the game (based on Keywords, so if something is custom and doesn't have the right Keyword it won't work).


However, I've noticed my time to work on this is severely impacted right now as I'm inbetween houses and staying at my girlfriend's parents house until I can move into my new apartment on August 1st. That said, I will try to get a working version of this done in a reasonable timeframe. For all I know I might have it ready in a few hours or even sooner, but then I might have to wait a couple days as well depending on real life. Thanks for your patience.

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Can I add another request for the mod? Would it be possible to add an extra spell that checks the npc if they are essential, protected or normal (killable by all)?

Maybe you could incorporate that into the main spell, but I doin't know if that would work. Just asking, don't bother if it is too much work. I'm already satisfied with what you are doing. Also I'm using Empowered Magic as my main magic mod, but I guess it won't conflict.


Thanks a lot in advance :smile:

Edited by blattgeist
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When I write my spells and scripts I always use a custom header format to avoid as much conflicts as possible, generally I use "z(the year)(my initials)(idname) that way it generally sorts all my stuff next to itself and near the bottom.


I'll take a look at adding a debug notification or such to check their flagged state and see what happens.

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