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How to Find NPC Mod's Physical Location in Worldspace Cells


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I am certain that there is a simple answer to this question, but I'm having a hard time figuring it out. The ck is not exactly user friendly and I'm not well versed.


I am currently using the CK to look through a handful of mods which add many different NPCs. I can't figure out how to know where their mod authors placed them in the world space?


How do I figure out what cell a given NPC has been placed in without going to the cell ahead of time and knowing in advance the NPC is already in that cell?


I know it is possible to open up the cells in xEdit and see the changes made to each individual block, with a name of the NPC there. But that is so tedious drilling down, and again it's a lot of guessing when you have a ton of cell blocks to look through.


Basically, I'm hoping there is some way to figure out, from looking at the object window or the NPC's editor window, what cell that NPC has been placed in. Or some other shortcut when working with the CK specifically.


Thanks in advance for answering my simple question.




(P.S. I posted this same question in the skyrim forum before I realized there is a dedicated spot for the special edition creation kit)

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(Reposting reply from the LE forum section)


If you prefer to use the CK to look these up, right click on the NPC actor record in the Object window list, go to Use Info. It will tell you in "Used in these Cells" where the NPC was placed.

That is exactly what I was looking for thank you so much!

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