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loot ore veins (no mining)


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You can do that yourself.


Create a new cell

place one container for each ore vein reference (not the base form but the individually placed veins in each cell)

put the number of ore items you want in the container

then go through each ore vein reference and remove the existing script

add this script instead



Scriptname OreVeinsAsContainers Extends ObjectReference
MiscObject Property OreContainer Auto
Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator)
  If akActivator == PlayerRef

then properly assign the property variables

ok out of the form(s)

save the plugin


You will have to do that for each and every reference. This is necessary for each vein to have its own container. Only concern is that with the containers in an inaccessible cell they'll never respawn their contents. You could resolve that by putting the containers in the same cell out of visibility (i.e. under ground or behind walls) but that means editing a lot of cells and introducing major potential for conflicts.

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True it doesn't take that into account... but, I suppose, since there is randomness in some containers already one can simply set up the necessary form lists & leveled lists and add those to the containers for the veins. Thus providing random gems and perhaps even random amounts of ore. However, I, am not too sure how all that works. Never dealt with leveled lists for loot in containers.

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