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CTD... from removing mods, not adding them.


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Most peculiar thing happened to me. While going through my play through I came across a texture change that freaked the hell out of me, but that's a story for another time. So while troubleshooting, uninstalling my mods and such and entering back into the game to check for changes. My game would CTD. It wouldn't even make it to the menu. The mods affected are the Monster mod Tundra Defense. (As far as I know, there may be more.) Keep in mind that I installed all my mods through NMM so I didn't directly modify the in-game files although i'm pretty sure that's where the problems lie. Just wanted you're thoughts on my most peculiar predicament. Never before have I come across my game crashing when I chose to remove mods from the system, always vice versa.

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CTD when removing a mod means you still have a mod dependent on a mod that you removed. An easy example of this would be something that uses a SkyProc patch like Dual Sheath Redux. If you have that then uninstalling just about anything will probably make you CTD unless you re-patch it.

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Just to add, it may also be that your savegame is dependent on files that were added by the mod you removed. The way to tell the difference between this possibility and the one previous poster suggests is to start a brand new game (don't get rife of the old ones or anything, just click "new" instead of "load" or "Continue." If you do not CTD, then the problem is your savegame rather than your mod list. If you do CTD, then it is the mod list.


If it is the savegame, it may be that you did not precisely follow the mod author's instructions for proper removal. I'd suggest returning to the site of the mod you removed, read everything available. It may be that you can reinstall the mod and then properly remove it to solve the problem, but it may also be that your game is simply broken and you have to start anew.

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