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Forcing the player to freeze/not move for a set time?


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Hey there!


Basically, I have an encounter where a player enters a room and a boss fight occurs. While the boss is animating in, however, I do not want to player to be able to move for a few (secret) reasons. Is there any script I can add to a region/pressure plate that will temporarily freeze the player? I am currently a complete noob at scripting myself, so help would be greatly appreciated.


On another, lesser topic: Is there any reason I can't give my Dragon Priest NPC spells like fireball, incinerate, etc? When I take away the dragon priest spell list and give him those individual spells, he just stands there like a dullard. Basically, the only spells I've been able to make him cast are firebolt, ice spike, and healing. I've messed around with combat ai/packages, but havent found any combination that allows fireball/incinerate/big spells :(


Cheers in advance!



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