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Shadowmere Ressurection


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So after having visited, explored, and enjoyed Solstheim, I returned to Skyrim only to find Shadowmere gone. He is not at any of the stables, not where I have quick travelled to in recent memory, and I have spent a great amount of time searching for him, hoping to find his re-spawn point. I have pretty much covered every piece of land conceivable and followed all rivers and currents to make sure Shadowmere didnt get washed out to sea. As I went by the old Dark Brotherhood sanctuary, I saw the pool you get Shadowmere at and thought "wonder why someone couldn't just make this a multi use type concept. So my request is basicallya mod that makes it so players can either resurrect/recall Shadowmere to that point.


Thank you for your time and possible efforts.

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You could just use the console. Press the tilde ~ key and then type: prid 9ccd8

then press enter and then

type: moveto player

then press enter.

This should move your beloved Shadowmere to you and will work for npc's as well (assuming he's not dead).


Now if he is dead, then type in prid 9ccd8 and then type enable or resurrect. This should work.


I also recommend the mod Convenient Horses because then you can just call whatever horse you have to you and make them essential and many other great things.


Hope this helps!

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