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Everything posted by starlitegirl

  1. Vortex is problematic when you have something that needs to load last. I have a mod that when it is not last there is a huge gap in terrain it altered. In mod organizer I can just drop and drag it last. Never an issue. In vortex, I cannot and so the best I can do is tell it to load after the other sixty files one at a time, which is insane, or I can hope that if I tell it to load after the one that is listed last, this will work. It does not. Vortex in this regard is inferior.
  2. I delete them through vortex but they stay in the folder. I remove them from the Data folder because I try similar ones and dont' want confusion over which is which. They just keep returning. Once in a while vortex will ask me if I want them deleted but they seem to come back. They keep returning to the data folder. I was trying to delete them before I started a new game. But they end up back in there because vortex doesn't seem to know that. I will try the archive way next game. I don't see a delete archive option I found it. TY
  3. I'm downloading and testing new mods to decide which I like and which are buggy so I don't want them. When I delete through vortex they stay in the folder. So I manually delete them but they seem to keep returning. I don't think this is steam because it never happened before. How do I make it stop?
  4. Unless the mods can change the story so that they remove the forced bleak endings and so that I can finish all the quest lines there is no way a mod can fix this. I complain not because I want to but because the game at the end of it and as the ending approached, generally brought me to feeling horrible which I wasn't feeling before that. I was enjoying myself and adventuring and then I meet father and that whole experience sucked considering I didn't even invest all that much in the whole chasing my son thing. But still, it felt bad. Then I have to pick sides. There is no way to get around this. I have gone back and started new games feeling good about them but as I move forward on the quests I realize I will eventually meet father and feel badly and then have to make a choice of who to side with so I can get that miserable ending. I cannot stress enough how much I hate that. While I don't expect or need to be the hero, I'm really tired of gaming companies going for downer endings and especially when they do it by locking you out of all the other factions and quest lines. To me that feels bad. I want to go back and play it again and to have fun but I know I'm going to meet father and want to punch him in the face. I know I will have to pick a side. It's disheartening. It ruins my mood knowing what is to come because I do immerse myself in a story. I don't run around ignorant of what is happening because the landscape looks good. Oh well, I guess that's on me.
  5. I think you have, in those reviews, a lot of people who don't focus on what many of us are picking up on. I think they just roll with the game like other games. Maybe they are really loving the settlement aspect or something. But it really is quite different. I am astounded by how different it is from skyrim and FO3. I was not even a huge fan of FO3 but compared to this, it's a lot better. Such a shame they are going down this path, copying companies like BW, who have made RPGs into a joke.
  6. This happens to me with a mod I am using, Dark Submariner Uniform which has a chameleon legendary enchantment. When I wear Maxson's outfit, this doesn't happen. So I wonder if you have an item that has this effect. It does exactly what you describe but only when I go into sneak mod. Then it works like stealth boys but not constantly. I will return to normal sneak at times but then go to stealth invisible (can't even see my pip boy properly at times). Do you have mods that might trigger this? Or did you? If yes, then maybe it's a glitch related to that item unless it's some strange game glitch. Here's the mod (it's my new favorite outfit BTW): http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5914/?
  7. Honestly, you shouldn't even have to work so hard to try to play a evil character. It's like they took the role playing out of their RPG or at least a chunk of it. You still can roleplay but you are limited by their imaginations or what they desire. What's very striking is that all the endings feel like a downer, yet you can't really role play a destructive character who might be happy with that. I played the good guy going along with their story for my first time (so far my only time) and as I got closer to the end, after choosing my faction, I felt like 'why did I even play the good guy?' They set me up to fail. I wanted to be more neutral. I wanted to be the military guy who is serious, takes charge and gets the job done while also concerned about his family. And as I played I was more the super nice helpful guy so I went along with it. even though it wasn't exactly what I wanted. Voice over kind of ruined that a lot. Then the end it everything got so bleak, like a BW renegade ending. And that seems odd. You can't outright play evil but you will be forced into a fairly dark ending. To me, that seems like you should have a much easier time being the evil character then if you are going to destroy so much. But they have you build it to destroy it. Bethesda seems to have forgotten what roleplaying is.
  8. Raiders are not a united faction. Technically, neither are the minutemen. They need you to pull them together after they fell apart. They are as united as 5 desperate people who are sticking together in an attempt to survive. Of that five, one is a junkie and one is kind of out of it from losing his child. So I don't really think they count as a united faction until you actually unite them, and given that, the same could be said about the raiders. They're disorganized and with a good leader uniting them, they could accomplish possible greatly evil things. Not unlike the mafia or any kind of crime syndicate.
  9. My guy cannot be evil. He can be a jerk but that's about as good as it gets. And then if I do any of the minutemen quests when I go back to Preston, my character turns into a derp who is all excited about getting a new settlement to join. I mean he literally sounds like a derp. "The Minutemen are on a roll..." Ugh. Freaking UGH. Every time he reports back to Preston I want to scream. Have you noticed that? My character was in the stinking Military. Is it too much to ask that he not sound like a 16 year old about to do a happy dance when he reports in? Christ. Talk about terrible voice overs. The voice over makes it so much worse. Even on a good guy character, he still sounds like a tool half the time, like when BOS make him an initiate. Again, he was in the military! He lived in a world these people cannot even comprehend and they act like he's some fanboy wannabe, and then he sounds like some fanboy wannabe. You know, they copied so much from mass effect series in this game. You would think they would have paid a lot more attention to the renegade option given they give you the illusion of having one. While Shepard can't go truly evil either, at least they got the general voice tones right. The voicing in fallout makes you sound like a wuss in between all the hostile choices. It's like having multiple personalities.
  10. Early 2016 according to Todd Howard from a search today. Now as to when early is exactly, who the hell knows? Could mean before april or could mean anything before July is considered early.
  11. It's a bit absurd when you think about it. It's like these people in this game have gone out of their way to not rebuild. And the game design has gone out of its way to see that nothing grows. Funny how you can grow a garden but there are no trees. Someone over at bethesda needs to rethink that because the logic that there are no trees blooming but you can grow a garden is flawed. You can build water purifiers but people on whole have not bothered with this as best as I can tell. You can build settlements but aside from a few places in the commonwealth nobody has. There is no logic in any of this. Frankly, it gives me the impression that these people are just pathetic. My character responds to Piper that the world now sucks and she calls him arrogant in her paper, but is he? He pulls settlements together and builds water purifiers and grows gardens while the rest just whine for help. Those ghouls at The Slog are awesome. They were kicked out of Diamond city and they made a nice home for themeselves, but of course they were from 200 years ago as well. Apparently civilization has fallen to apathy and violence with no hope and nobody really trying to make it better. They've all given up and Piper calls me arrogant for calling them on it. What a joke.
  12. This game is bare bones. Talk about lazy. The best story they could come up with has you locked out of the other quest lines once you pick a side? I'm sure someone over there thought that would be clever, but frankly, it's lazy because all they did was write one quest line - the main one - then tie in the others. I think they thought that crafting and settlements would make this game better than it is and let people waste hours there but really, there is only so much to do before you get bored with sims settlements especially given that sims is far better for that sort of thing than this is. By the time the DLC comes out most who are bored now will be long gone and will remember that if it takes DLC to make a game good then the game sucked. I keep building characters thinking that if I do something different it will be better but I always get to that point where I see Prydwen arrive and after one playthough I know after that it's short order till the end of the game which is bleak as hell and makes me not want to finish. So no, you are not alone. I have the same meh feeling about this game as I did DAI. It looks good going in and I start a bunch of times but after that one time finishing, it's just not really something I feel like continuing even though I keep trying. It's just as uninspiring as it gets for a game. I have played several RPGs where I finished them countless times. But the two I could not bring myself to finish more than once were DAI and this one. I just didn't care enough and I keep trying to care but ultimately I don't. That says a lot about those games when I could spend hundreds of hours and more than four or five complete runs on the others but not them. It's not you. Don't bother finishing and don't bother waiting for DLC. Lots of users feel this way about the game. I think it was a cash grab for bethesda (which is funny considering how much they made on skyrim and they don't really need the cash, not like other gaming companies might).
  13. To a degree this is irrelevant. Boston has been scaled to bare bones. They have made the surroundings very desolate. Yet they have used a good portion of present day Boston in building it so they could have done more given it is an alternate reality. Not everything would be destroyed. Where are the suburbs? Apparently sanctuary is the only one minus lexington and concord which aren't much bigger. So I guess despite advances in technology, civilization was pretty sparse even in a major city. They could have built more and created some quests in those areas. Maybe taking on bandit factions? Taking back a neighborhood of raiders or bringing down hostile groups or allying with them. They could have done more with the factions. Why can't I work with more of them for longer? You barely are in and it's time to pick a side. Terrible design. I'm sad because I want to play more and as I do each quest I know I am closing in on the ending very fast and when you get that ending, because of the terrible design, your game is over. You can't go off and work with another faction. In skyrim I can do all the factions whenever I want. Completely do them. And do the main quest plus explore countless dungeons and other things. Here, I build settlements to what end? It will be done soon. I love the game in general but it lacks content. It's been 210 years since I went into that bunker. There should be more in the world. Hell, america was 200 years old in 76 and it was well developed. Cut it in half for post apocalyptic stuff and still, how is there not more? If people are alive and having children, then society should be evolving more than it has and there should be more to do as a result, even in post apocalyptic times. 50 years or 100 and okay. I can see it just coming together with fallout and all, but 200 years? Doubtful! It just frustrates that we need mods to fix that. If we're lucky we will get some in a year.
  14. That's the problem with making it evolve around you finding your son. There's not much way to get around that. If it were finding the people who took your son with an assumption that he is gone I think that might have worked a lot better. If you found out early on from someone you meet that he was dead then it could be about revenge or just finding them or just moving on. But that might have jaded some players to the institute and they were trying to hard to copy bioware making choices that feel a certain way. They should have just killed the kid and left it at that. Then the player does what they want with it be it revenge, justice, moving on or whatever. You find that out early on then the role playing element becomes more open and you have freedom to adapt it how you want within the story of the character you are playing.
  15. Skyrim's "more" content was mostly watered-down copy-pasted shovelcontent. You explore 5 dungeons and you've seen them all. F4 has dozens of different places and they almost never feel the same (I think I've seen a couple reused asset combos tho). Skyrim was also much more prone to crashing (have yet to CTD on F4 despite 3x spawn mods), save bloating, and in general any save with too many hours on it tended to become corrupted in a way or another. Also Skyrim had the major issue that you had a huge buildup in the story up to the first dragon kill and then the game becomes bland and generic. Civil war was the only thing that kept the game mildly interesting for me, but the dragon story has got to be the most boring thing I've ever seen. TBH Fallout 4 is the first Bethesda game I could call a good game without mods. Skyrim becomes good with 200+ mods, but vanilla is utter garbage. Well I would hope it has been improved given it's been half a decade since releases using the same engine. If they couldn't improve on that during that time they should stop making games. Skyrim had more to do that was generally more interesting. That was my main point. Bitching about mods you needed to like the game is beside the point. There is far less content in this game and that is just looking at the quests. They are scant. Even more stingy when you see that you can't even finish all the faction lines without restarting or going back to a prior save. So while dungeons might have been similar in skyrim, there were many that were unique and even had their own quests within them whether it be stopping some evil, obtaining some specific item, or helping an NPC, there were several of them that added something interesting to the game. This is not counting all the ones that were just there for you to clear. Then the factions had longer quest lines than this one. The magic school was not even that long but it each quest was pretty interesting. Thieves guild was also fairly involved. Dark brotherhood as well. Here, I think you get maybe three or four before you are locked out. I'd have to look at the guide but I think it's about four which makes them far shorter than the skyrim faction quest lines and each of them in skyrim was far more interesting than the ones here which are not much more than go fetch this or kill them. I won't even get into the actual story being lame and having it be so similar to fallout 3 therefore lacking originality. But the game on whole is bare bones for gameplay. If you feel you needed mods for skyrim, fine, but that game had a lot of content. I finished in under 60 hours and that was doing everything I could using a guide (which is not even needed because there is so little). At 60 hours in skyrim I had done portions of quest lines but hadn't finished everything and had barely explored the whole map and dungeons. Most of it was unexplored and undiscovered aside from what was needed for specific quests which I really hadn't gotten anywhere near finishing.
  16. Agreed. At every turn my character is 'my son. Help me find my son' and the thing that gets me is I personally don't care at all about this son that I barely interacted with. In fact, the truth is that I would be more concerned about finding dogmeat if I lost him than my son. The start was so poor and after Fallout 3's Father/child drama, I'm chock full of caring about family that I don't care about and I actually LIKED my father in Fallout 3. Of course, it was Liam Effing Neeson so of course I liked him. What's not to like? But this child that I spend two minutes with? I know I'm supposed to care but I don't and after playing the game through once (avoiding spoilers), my not caring was a good thing. I'd rather focus on building a better world than some child the game says I should care about.
  17. That's a huge part of it too. I had to work hard to get everything done in skyrim and even then, I would burn out. Here? I could do it and much of it is not really interesting. I get that it is a wasteland but there still could be much more. The quest lines are all stunted so that limits you right there because they intersect at a certain point and you have to choose. Game content is lacking once you remove things like crafting and settlements. That takes a bulk of time, but really, that is not the game I want to play. I would prefer to go on quests that are fun or interesting. This feels like it's about a third of skyrim's content, if that. Honestly more like a quarter or fifth. There is just not much to do unless you want to tinker with settlements in which case getting The Sims would probably suit one more. If I feel like I've basically done the game in the first few weeks I have it then the game doesn't have much to offer. It took me at least a month in skyrim to even get near that and there was a lot I missed that I discovered months later because I didn't have the guide. Well, I got the guide to fallout and all I can say is that I'm astounded as I read it at how little there is to do in it. They really just threw this one together. Nothing about it seems like they really put a lot of heart and soul into it. It is a cash grab. Sure they made the open world great, but that is their thing and they have a lot of people that work specifically on that. The rest of it is pretty minimal once you remove the crafting and settlements which is what they were banking on to make the game seem like it is longer with more content. But that really isn't content, not in the traditional sense. At sixty hours I should not be bored with the game. Not with an open world created by bethesda. God only knows what the dlc will look like. Probably short and not very inspired. In skyrim, I could run around for countless hours doing anything but the main quest. Even the faction quest lines alone could keep me busy for a while. I think I only did the main quest line about five or six times before I stopped doing it. There was so much to do it was unbelievable. If this had half of that, it would be spectacular. But you run out of things rather fast. Too fast. So the game is short unless you want to keep trying to build up the settlements or do repeating radiant quests. That was not the case in skyrim. There were a lot of quests in the land that were not even part of the factions. So many different things to discover in different caves. I can't even remember half of them but there were over a dozen. Maybe twenty. That is more than how many side quests this game has in general. I have the guide and I'm not kidding. It's sad. TL;DR - there is very little actual game content (quests, side quests) once you remove crafting and settlements. So you are forced to do the main and faction quests which get old fast.
  18. I'm talking about the explosion. That was nuclear, wasn't it? Because they were building a nuclear power plant of sorts. Or do you keep them from getting that if you are doing the BOS? I was not really clear on that point but from the endings I saw it looked quite similar to the explosion we saw in the beginning of the game. If you are just destroying the facility and not creating more fallout then frankly that's a good thing because that whole part of the city was generally overrun with criminals and mutants. I guess I'll have to try BOS ending. Institute was not a very good one but I was deterred by Maxson who annoyed the hell out of me and playing the role of a father who feels like his son has been supremely screwed up by his kidnappers leaving him borderline sociopath and making the institute even worse because of that. It felt like my responsibility to do what I could to try to sort it out and shut it down at some point (which sadly I did not get the opportunity to do). I was hoping I would be able to work from within and leave the place in ruins. I would love to see someone create a mod that allows you to do that using cutscenes from the other ending options though I guess allying with BOS is just as good but part of me doesn't want to hand them a victory because Maxson is a dick. I also wanted to make sure that the nuclear power option never happened. If they don't get that part then they don't have that kind of power nor is it a risk for more nuclear hazards in the commonwealth.
  19. Did you play ME3? This is how that felt. I did NOT like revisiting that experience with fallout 4. I hate when they go for different endings that are ultimately the same. It's like they think people are stupid. Doesn't matter what you do. War never changes. God, that line. There should be a suicide option if I'm forced into their poorly written corners.
  20. Dog is really the only good companion. Probably because I like dogs and don't ecpect much from him because he's a dog. He's great at finding the hard to find foes. That last one you hear but can't see. Go get 'em, dogmeat. I'll shoot if you fetch.
  21. All the faction quests being formula and leading to the same event. The ending. The factions all being extremist or nutty. Shaun. Effing with my emotion over the kid I didn't even care about to be honest until it is brought up everywhere so I kind of care, maybe. But I do care about all the good I have done, making the commonwealth better for normal people and then I find myself dealing with weird factions, and cornered into choices, none of them good... and that kid I didn't care about is SIXTY!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!??? Now I feel really bad because even though I didn't care it's disturbing to suddenly really have it hit me just how much I lost. And I'm nothing more than an experiment to him. And now I have to pick a side and feel like I'm destroying everything I've been building. Would have been better if I just died in that cryopod like the rest. Thanks bioware... er a bethesda. I really appreciate that. :( I think that sums it up.
  22. I might fall into the haters category but that wouldn't be accurate and I suspect that is the case for other 'haters' too. Hate in my case be born of love. I love many things about the game, but the ending and how the quests converge for me sucked for me to the point that I felt awful. And I'm troubled that a game I was really enjoying became that experience in the end and leaves me not wanting to play it again because it is that sad to me. Maybe other haters have similar issues. Maybe there are things about a game they really like but there are other unpleasant elements that make it less enjoyable or hard to tolerate. Much of the hate I have seen is that kind of thing unless it's just general bethesda haters. To me it feels like they had skyrim base and said 'let's put together a fallout on that' but didn't put as much heart into it and took ideas from bioware games that sold well while not really thinking about who their fans had been. It's like a hodgepodge of ME3, the sims, fo3, with skyrim bones.
  23. Armorsmith and crafting were ones that I had added before mine had issues.
  24. I suspect this might require creation kit when it is released, but will I be able to get rid of the pre war buildings? I'd love it if I could do it now, but I think I need the kit to access the locations. Also, while I'm thinking of it, is there an in game way to get rid of dead things, like some dead insects on one of my nice foundations? Thanks
  25. I wonder if it is calculated by how many hours you play? Like if you put over a hundred in will that drive the numbers up?
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