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Making NPCs vampires.


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You can do it with AFT which is probably the easiest way. You could probably do it via console too though I'm not sure if it would be proper... The uh, Nord thing would depend on which race they were originally otherwise they may look kinda wonky.


setrace NordVampireRace ;depends on original race, this one is for nords originally
addtofaction 46281 1 ; (DA03VampireFaction) - if you don't want other vampires to be hostile towards you... might also make wolves not hostile to you
addspell 8d5c2 ; Vampiric Drain
addspell 88821 ; Embrace of Shadows
addspell c4de2 ; Vampire's Seduction
addspell ed0a7 ; Vampire's Servant
addspell c4de1 ; Vampire's Sight
addspell f5b54 ; Champion of the Night
addspell 10f1e7 ; Nightstalker's Foosteps
addspell ed0a8 ; Resist Disease
addspell ed09e ; Resist Frost
addspell 10fb30 ; Resist Poison


I don't know what race they would need to be to be a vampire lord, I haven't messed with console for that. I imagine they'd need the form spell too which I don't know offhand either. Here's the perks:

addperk 02005998; Power of the Grave
addperk 0200599A; Vampiric Grip
addperk 02016908; Summon Gargoyle
addperk 02008A70; Corpse Curse
addperk 0200599B; Detect All Creatures
addperk 0200599C; Mist Form
addperk 0200599E; Supernatural Reflexes
addperk 02005994; Blood Healing
addperk 02005995; Unearthly Will
addperk 02005996; Poison Talons
addperk 02005997; Night Cloak

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