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Bugfix Request - Worn Armor should weigh next to nothing


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Yes. For me, it is a bug that Armor weight doesn't change at all when you're wearing it. When wearing armor in RL, the weight gets distributed and actually impacts you less when you wear it as opposed to just lugging it around. Yes, the individual pieces are still as heavy as before, but don't feel as heavy when you wear them.


Conditioning and Unhindered are nice perks. But honestly? They should be accessible from the very beginning. At most with a condition like having to continuously wear heavy armor over a specific ingame period to simulate getting used to it (even during the getting used to it period, worn armor should not weigh as much as carried armor), after which you can get the perk immediately and it stays.


Much better would be getting Conditioned and Unhindered automatically after a continuous period of ingame wearing of heavy or light armor, kind of as a passive perk. When it activates the first time (doesn't deactivate ever- as long as you're wearing the armor pieces corresponding to the perk that piece is weightless or at least as good as), you just get a small text notification like

"I'm now completely used to my armor and it has become like a second skin"

"You have mastered the art of wearing armor and it now weighs next to nothing"

"I/You can now carry more stuff around"


As for clothing- worn clothing should not count toward overall carry weight at ALL.

Edited by DOVAHKI1N
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