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Storage Ring


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I had an idea today for implementing a storage ring like what is found in some fiction, especially of certain genres. It would basically be a second inventory that would be inaccessible to game functions like guards checking for stolen goods, selling at shops, or other functions added by mods but easily accessed by the player with the use of a lesser power so long as the ring is worn.


There are other mods that do somewhat similar things, such as Vindanis Bag of Holding https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16977, Ethereal General Stores https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5536, or Extradimensional Storage https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19766. They work by accessing a container (or the general stores interface in Ethereal General Store's case) to store items. The problem (or advantage) of this is that the storage capacity in unlimited for containers, and being able to carry one with you isn't exactly balanced in any way (not that Skyrim's economy car really get any more broken than it already is, but I digress).


Actors, or at least followers, on the other had, do have a limit to their carrying capacity, so what if we used a dummy actor as the storage device's inventory? One mod that is already doing something similar is Dwarven Luggage https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6320 which includes a power that allows you to access it's inventory from anywhere.


So, unless I'm missing something huge, I feel like I have all of the separate pieces to put something like this together, dummy actor in a inaccessible location, lesser power to open it's inventory remotely, condition check on the power so that it only works if the ring is equipped.


Unfortunately, I lack the CK and scripting knowledge to get all the pieces put together. If someone does have the skills to do this, or even could tell me how to do it myself (without me having to learn python from scratch) I would be grateful.

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