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Project Flintlock for NPCs?


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I remember a while back the author of this mod talking about making it so NPCs would have the guns as well, and was curious if anything ever happened with this? The mod itself looks as though the author has left skyrim for a while, but it doesn't seem like it would be that challenging to do to add the guns to NPCs.


I really like Project Flintlock, but if NPCs don't use them too then they don't feel fair at all. =[ If even a few people used them, it would feel much more fair. Dawnguard added crossbows to a lot of new NPCs, it should be done about the same way, I feel.


If not, how hard would it be for someone to do this for this mod, with permission from the author of coarse?

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I see that you are a modder. Trust me, assuming you don't already know, once you learn how to dynamically add the items to enemies, you could probably make a patch that does exactly what you want in about 30 minutes. You just create a leveled list with all the weapons and ammo from the mod. Create a dummy quest that runs another quest every time the player changes cells, perhaps using the OnLocationChange() function. In the quest, add about 30 alias references, with the Fill Type of "Find Matching Reference" and the "In Loaded Area" and "Closest" flags checked, that have the weapons and ammo (perhaps using the leveled lists). It would be imperative to add some conditions to the aliases, to ensure that they are humanoid. Altogether, this should dynamically add leveled weapons and ammo to the enemies closest to you.


In sum, this seems like a great mod idea.

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Aright, I'll get to working on it and contact the modder if possible! If I don't get permission, then I'll have an amazing mod for just myself! ^_^

Edited by ArtMurder
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