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Please, give me one last chance to buy the lifetime premium


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Hello. I'm a long time returning user who's shocked to find out the lifetime premium is gone now.


I've always been tempted to buy the lifetime premium, but didn't, because I didn't use modding often enough to feel like I needed it.


Also the 1 month sub was more than enough when I did feel like I needed it.


However, had I known that it was going away, I would've FOMO'ed the hell out and bought it.



Unfortunately I wasn't paying attention during the announcement due to other stuff in my life, so I missed it.


With the current sub model, I'll most likely just stick to free account for the rest of my life, because it feels too expensive.



Please nexus, give me one last chance to get the lifetime premium, and for you to collect additional sum of money from me and many others who's like me.


If it's impossible, I understand. I'll just have to deal with being a free account I guess...



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I'm sorry you missed it, but we gave a notice period (as explained here https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14543) and now Lifetime is no longer available to purchase. There are no plans to bring it back.


The only way to get Lifetime now is if you earn 51,500 Donation Points as a Mod Author and buy it from the DP store.

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