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game problems


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My friend is having troubles running Morrowind. GeForce5700 Ultra and the audio is crappy (nForce2 chipsets including onboard sound). The audio will randomly decide to start crackling and screwing up (even though the speakers are fine), and general unstableness with the game, including long pauses where the game halts for like 15 seconds then keeps on going again. Again, this is a decent machine and is very capable of running this game.


anyone who has suggestions or solutions (preferably the latter), go ahead.

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Well, that doesn't really give a good description of the problem, but I seriously doubt that it's the video card. The GPU [graphics processing unit, or videocard] wouldn't have trouble running MW. Especially since it's an Nvidia. ATIs seem to have many more compatibility issues than NVidias. Plus, the videocard would have nothing to do with sound. And, since it's a high-end card, it wouldn't be causing slowdown. Most likely, it's either too little RAM or a slower Processor. The CD drive should also be at least 48x Read, and a fairly-fast Hard Drive.


Other than that, I can't tell you anything. :huh:

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