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One more topic to solidify my understanding of basic modding (correctl


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I have NMM, SKSE, Wrye Bash, BOSS and TES5Edit. So far this is my planned route. Please educate me if there's a better system. I have already downloaded all of my desired mods via NMM before I found out about these other lovely programs, so I don't really feel like doing the same thing for Wrye. Anyway:

-Downloaded and installed all mods via NMM like I said.

-Next, open up Wrye Bash and run BOSS through it.

-Find dirty edits and bash tag suggestions via BOSS.

-Run TES5Edit and fix dirty edits.

-Run BOSS again to make sure all is good.

-Check and make sure Wrye has the order correct for all mods via BOSS.

-Order all other unrecognized mods above Bashed Patch (except for ASIS...why is this again?)

-Edit Bash Tags for mods requiring it.

-Create Bashed Patch (with leveled lists if applicable?) ALSO: Does EVERY mod I'm running need to be part of this bashed patch???

-Run Skyrim


This all is to my current understanding, and need your help to solidify it. I'm a neat freak in a way and I won't even start up the game until I know I have the best chances of the game running smoothly. I know CTDs happen, but I simply want to mitigate them.


Something else important I need to know that I can't find elsewhere. Install order. If I have multiple texture packs, and I install both of them, chances are I get the "this file will overwrite this one" message. I hear that certain mods need to be installed and overwrite others (as opposed to THEM being overwritten) for their best impact on the game. This also leads into my last question. I hear Wrye Bash does a good job of seeing these conflicts and alerting you. Now, since I have my mods in the NMM and NOT in the install area of Wrye, can I still see these conflicts? Or do I have to install these mods via Wrye Bash? And regardless of that answer, how else can I know/figure out which mod files need to overwrite others?


Thank you anyone, this is it. No more posts from me. Would appreciate any more help I can get :D

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