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Going to be doing my very own Let's Play! with Fallout 3 in th


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edit: nexus cut off my title, how rude :(

New title: Going to be doing my very own Let's Play! with Fallout 3 in the hopefully near future, need some roleplaying and other advice.




What I'm thinking of doing is creating a male wanderer with the default vanilla story.


Now, in order to successfully role play over a headset I am wondering, should I read aloud what my character is going to say via the dialogue? Should I film the game play silently and then add narration afterwards?


Also, in regards to Roleplaying, what sort of character do you guys roleplay as when playing the Vanilla story? How do you guys play your game?

Edited by Dweedle
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I think there is no simple answer there. Simply reading aloud all the dialogue stuff will appeal to people who don't know the game, but may just irritate / bore some of those who already know the game. Maybe do a bit of both, at least to start with - both read-aloud and narration. See how well it goes (and what the reactions are), then adjust accordingly.


For myself, I prefer to play Good Guys. Not Mr Pure, but killing everything and generally being a d##k never appealed to me (not judging those who prefer to play Evil - you play your way, I'll play mine). I think also you get more interesting / entertaining RP situations by being (mostly) Good.


Someone doing something similar to what you are thinking about - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?annotation_id=annotation_612532&feature=iv&list=PLms8rbPjpUi3Uq0eJZ3XS1pP2vIb2Gbs6&src_vid=rdPaaJNUZi0


Good Luck.


EDIT: I guess one really obvious question to ask is, what mods will you use? This project may be a very very good way to showcase your favourites.

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If your commentary/roleplay skills are good, I'd say a try a bit of both. I don't think you'd necessary have to read everything, but you could just summarize/react to dialogue the way you'd intend with roleplay.


With vanilla the story, role play is kind of limited to whatever role the lone wanderer is. You're stuck with with his/her backstory of vault 101/James as dad/Project Purity etc. and feel compelled to play the good guy(If you intend to stick to the story).

I prefer to use the FWE mod now with it's alternate starting scenarios and create my own backstory. It gives me more freedom to just have my characters just be whatever I want them to be.


I did a small series of Fallout 3 videos a few years back and took a more experimental approach to let's play by crafting a unique storyline and using machinima techniques to create a more story-driven playthrough. Sadly it never got much attention yet I'm thinking about re-booting it into a more traditional LP.


Have fun with it. :)

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I won't be too heavily modded going in. Just the usual Fallout Wanderers Edition, EVE, Marts Mutant Mod and Project Beauty setup.


I'm tempted to roleplay as a good Lone Wanderer up to a point, starting out good and then slowly letting the hell of the wastes take a toll on his psyche. A reason I like the idea of playing like that really comes down to a quote from Desmond from Point Lookout when he refers to the player as a gifted killer.

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Absolutely have fun with it - that's the primary reason to do anything like this. Based on my own tastes (such as they are :dry: ), I suggest not making the story TOO much of a downer (if I want to be depressed, I can watch the news). But it's all up to you - your project, your rules.

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