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Awesome, Can I grab that bunch of links for all the current weapons and whatnot?



Ballistics Link: http://www.firearmsid.com

Mod Master Thread: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=103902

Source Mod Link: http://www.hellcattx.proboards.com/


that is all the links i can think of for now, if you need anything else please let me know.

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although im spread pretty thin with all these mods atm, i forgot to mention that if you need some additional audio people down the road i do that as well. thats actually more of my main thing. but im happy with just learning how to model for now, so if you dont need extra people on the audio thats cool too.
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So another weekly checkup, how is the modeling coming along as well as the scripting for the mod, I am still doinf ballistics research and firearms listings, also testing out new mods in fallout 3 to see how I can use them in relation to this mod, So whats the good word, and any questions?
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i do have one qiuck question, the part of the gun that kicks out the shells (sorry i dont know if the preper word) im just wondering if i need to keep that piece seperate so it can move.. and also how it will move.. my guess at this point is it will retract open to let the shell fly out

heres a pic of the area im talking about, its pretty much the last piece i need to make and then ill start the uv map, next chunk of time i get.

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The part that moves and pulls the brass casings out is called the extractor and the opening is called the breach some call it the extraction port which is technically wrong but still the right idea. with bolt action rifles the breach does not move back untill the bolt is pulled back, wih Semi-Auto and Automatic rifles the breack work is a gas rotating system meaning that it slides back about 90% back hangs a 10th of a second and then slams forward again, this sometimes gets jammed by the brass casing getting lodged inbetween the extractor and breach cover where the charging handle is pulled back, te magazine is slapped from the bottom, (on AR/M-16 Based rifles) the Forward Assist is smacked hard forward, and if all else fails the charging handle is pulled back and the round is physically removed by hand, this is a case by case basis as an AK system is different.
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so im back from spring breakand have been testing out some others models for weapons, as well as playing some other games to give me some concept ideas to make this mod a little better, the Modern Weapons List is 90% complete and will be released next week. How is production coming along and do you have any questions?
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Need a vid of how the extractor works? I'll grab my rifle and cycle it a few times for ya so you can see how an actual one works.

EDIT: It's really a pain trying to work the bolt release and dust cover at this angle.

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