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I Need Explosions!

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I'm trying to work out how to enable manual worldspace explosions but need some help, here is what I tried;

  1. placed a defaultActivateSelfTRIG box
  2. placed 5 floating havok boulders under 'Activator' (TrapFallingRockLg01_Rock), disabling the havok in the reference window so they don't move themselves and drop to the ground
  3. placed and XMarker behind them (in relation to the trigger box)
  4. attached a MagicPlaceExplosionScript to the XMarker through he ref window, setting the explosion as FakeForceBall1024 in the properties
  5. set the activate parent as the defaultActivateSelfTRIG

The point of this is to make a trap where the boulders are hurtled towards the player, but needless to say it isn't working right now.


I could use some help maybe someone can point out what I missed out or did incorrectly?

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